[h1]Hello![/h1] [color=DarkOrchid]I am Bassummoner. I'm basically looking for someone to Roleplay with. I'm a bit new to the site so I'd really like to have someone who isn't super strict with their Roleplays to just pm with. I'm really open to ideas, and I'd really like to have someone to just practice and develop my writing skill without the pressure of a large group rp. I really like people who are detailed in their writing and just know how to have fun with it. As for things I wouldn't mind Roleplaying, I would have to say.... [/color] [color=aquamarine]-Fallout4 -Elder Scrolls (Skyrim, basically) -Zombies -Fantasy -Harvest Moon -Final Fantasy (Especially FFX) -Some Historical, depending on what it is -Adventure -Ready Player One -Survival -Modern [/color] [color=royalblue]I'm open to all sorts of ideas! I usually don't do Romance but if I feel that it suits my character then I don't mind. I don't do intimate scenes, I always fade to black for those. Pm me if you want to RP. :)[/color]