[color=blue][center][h3]Ming Xiu[/h3] Waterbender[/center][/color] At last the sense of irritation had dwindled as the appearance of the rolling waves soothed her. As time had passed and the earthbender began to look a little green--something she took note of and chuckled at after giving him a look of sympathy--she realized she was missing on a golden opportunity for a free meal, something the firebender of the group had already started to take part in. As she looked over the spread, her stomach made her thoughts known with a slight growl and her mouth beginning to water. She'd been so busy tracking down the 'Avatar's' house that she hadn't gotten a chance to eat breakfast or even lunch for that matter. Ming coughed, turning her head away sheepishly. She didn't want to seem needy around these people. She was supposed to be a teacher or something right? Giving rather than taking or... oh, fuck it. Come to think of it she'd been rather hospitable up until this point, right? Yeah. She had been. Besides, that glistening rack of ribs on the table was serenading a sirens song to her nostrils and made her gut clench in agony. Not taking notice of the crew member that went scuttling up to the 'Avatar,' Ming finally turned from the lake entirely and approached the table. Her eyes half closed as her stomach loudly rumbled, a bit of drool appearing on her lips while she outstretched her hand toward the food. Suddenly, the table was upturned and the food went flying as chi blockers swarmed the ship and knocked over the table of free delicious morsels. Ming froze with her chocolate eyes dulling as they swarmed past her. A masked chi blocker demanded for the 'Avatar' to step forward, which she did. [color=olive]"Why are you invading my ship? We were doing just fine without your presence."[/color] Ming turned her head like a tin man that desperately needed oil as she stared straight at Terra. Now she really was feeling like she could toss some bile. Was that stupid bimbo TRYING to sound cool? It just made her sound like an idiot. Blood boiled within her. She'd come all the way from the Fire Nation just to be going straight back now. [b]"Save the Avatar for me. I do not care what you do to the rest."[/b] Ming's breath quickened. Didn't care about what happened to 'the rest?' [b]Didn't care?[/b] Ming didn't scale a 90 or something foot tall wall illegally to get into Ba Sing Se and discover her parents being in a different country to be pissed away like this. Her teeth gritted, her nostrils flared. The 'Avatar' fired pitiful tiny rock attacks and from Ming's perspective tossed everyone a smug look. [color=olive]"You guys going to help or not."[/color] This stupid little girl was tripping over herself as soon as they got on the ship and she already demanded their respect? Ming's face was getting beet red. She'd honestly lied to get into this [i]CHILD'S [/i]service? [i]She just lost an opportunity to eat free food because she was being attacked by enemies of this child that didn't even glance at her twice?[/i] A huffy exhale escaped from Mings lips that turned into another that turned into a growl that turned into a screaming battle cry that gained looks from the chi benders. In one motion, Ming twisted her body towards the receding masked master chi blocker, took out her axe and threw it with extreme precision directly into the spine of the master chi blocker. Who, having been expecting a bending attack, fell to the ground in surprise. Everything sped up after that. Quickly drawing water from the lake, she lashed out it out into a whip motion to any chi blockers surrounding her to throw them overboard as she dove for her axe. However rather than just taking it out and leaving him be, she instead turned the still alive master chi blocker around, his senses dulled by the extreme pain in his spine which went out to the rest of his body, threw off his mask, and after straddling him punched him visciously from multiple sides as she stared, with rage, directly into his eyes. At last she stopped, being pulled away by chi blockers before spitting onto the master chil blocker. [color=blue]"You will care about what happens to me now."[/color]