Ling didn't have time to hear an answer from Lee, he was surrounded by a disturbing group of masked men. The stances they held were that of a chi blocker, but with less... practice. They were sloppy, and a few noticed how calm he was and ran in for the kill. Or whatever it was they were after, Ling didn't care, he refused to fight them. The avatar had made two very quick mistakes and while he wouldn't hold it against her, he was sure that for now he'd drag out the hatred for he knew it was everyone's first day meeting and they'd all warm up later. Everyone always has a rough first day. The four chi blockers circled in on him, jabbing at him as Ling dodged their blows, predicting their every move. They were fighting well, anyone without knowledge of their techniques would risk the possibility to lose function in a limb or too, even the best benders wouldn't get out without a scratch. But Ling Feng was no bender, and he certainly was not the best at it. He was a chi blocker as well and he was going to dig that fact into their skulls as they failed time and time again to hit the boy. [color=red]"You need to move more quickly, and you're aiming too low on my back to block chi to my legs. You might as well aim for my femur to knock one leg out at a time. The formation could use work too, four of you attacking at once is too cluttered and you need space to properly land the hits. Try going two at a time."[/color] Ling chuckled as he jumped and rolled, his hands remaining behind his back the whole time. He looked to the man in the mask as the waterbender ran up to him. The man carried himself well, much better than these other fellows. Ling missed what happened, but his second look wasn't a good one, the waterbender was being pulled away by other chi blockers. Surprisingly they didn't think the disable her so he made his way over. [color=red]"Another thing, why grab an opponent when three hits to the back removes their bending and ability to move?"[/color] He joked again. He looked the the avatar, getting ready to fight this man. He had to admit though, it was getting a bit tiring to dodge these four, and would have loved to take them out, but being offensive against four was much harder than dodging four. Attacking would leave him open at times and he really really wanted someone to beg for help. He gave the avatar a look and nodded before jumping into the air with acrobatic prowess. He landed a blow on one man's shoulder, cutting off his chi, then the other shoulder and lower back. The three hits were done before he hit the ground. He spun to the other three taking out their hands specifically, making them limp and useless. The one that remained readied his stance. [color=red]"Wider."[/color] The man cocked his head at ling in a curious manner. [color=red]"Your stance needs to be wider. Your knees need to be bent just enough."[/color] Ling smiled as the man adjusted his stance. He gestured for the enemy chi blocker to make the first move, and as his arm jabbed at Ling's, he blocked it, feeling a swift kick to the legs sweeping him off his feet. This man was a bit better than his friends, Ling actually had to try. [b]"Thank you for the help."[/b] A voice said from behind the mask before the man charged. This would be a good fight.