[center][img]https://wallpaperscraft.com/image/girl_anime_hair_brunette_negative_attitude_gesture_10213_2048x2048.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Sara Maria Kapros [b]Age:[/b] 13 [b]Power:[/b] [i]"Chi"[/i] - Existent predominantly as a latent energy manifesting in times of emotional distress, Sara is naturally disposed to the ability to tap into the core of her 'life force' also known as "Chi." Manifesting this energy allows her to surpass, often greatly, her own physical limitations. Fully manifested, her powers enable her to exert her energy as external projections of kinetic force, projectiles and shielding energy fields. [b]Bio:[/b] Side-effects of Sara's powers became apparent when she was only eight years old, manifesting in an overtly augmented level of energy expended through aggression. Diagnosed as having severe anger issues, a psychiatrist mandated her admission into a psychiatric ward at a children's hospital. This move proved to be counterproductive, as her aggression only from being shut away. It came to a head when she was ten years old, and attacked her own parents for having left her "locked up" for a year. During the incident, her powers manifested in true form as she blasted a ten foot hole out of the hospital wall. Following this incident, she was restrained, and ultimately sent away to the 'Orphanage for Supernatural.