[@Willy Vereb] I"d say your explanation was the best on the whole situation, other then the designing suits above ground. [quote=@Chapatrap] [centre] [u][b]The Republic of Ulster[/b][/u] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/71/Northern_Ireland_Flag_Proposal.svg/750px-Northern_Ireland_Flag_Proposal.svg.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/GeamJt0.png[/img] The orange in Ulster. [b]Political Party:[/b] Orange Order [b]Type of Government:[/b] Parliamentary Republic [b]Date Out of Bunker:[/b] 2240 [b]Productions:[/b] -Agriculture -Shipbuilding -Clothing [b]History of the Nation:[/b] With the fall of Belfast and the perceived abandonment by the British, Ulster largely retreated into the British-made "Shelters", which dotted the border counties and larger cities across Northern Ireland. However, there was never a threat of nuclear war made on the Republic of Ireland and Dublin stayed intact. In the weeks following their closest neighbour, it became apparent that large clouds of radiation were travelling across the Irish Sea from Europe and the country was put under a state of emergency. Many Irish people fled to the deep countryside or the shelters dotted across the country. In Ulster, shelters were largely mixed, which was a change to the usual segregation by religious lines. Despite sectarian violence being common in the early years, over time, many Protestants and Catholics made their peace and it was decided in the large Belfast Shelter that upon returning to the surface, the people of Northern Ireland would no longer seek unification with the Republic of Ireland nor the United Kingdom. Instead, the province of Ulster would become it's own state, with its own laws and customs. This idea of an independent Ulster proved popular in the Belfast Shelter, especially with the younger generations who were taught to stand against the violence of their ancestors. When the Belfast Shelter opened its doors in 2240, it found a barren wasteland where the city of Belfast once stood. The leaders of the Vault came into contact with survivors quickly. The idea of a fully independent Ulster was popular among survivors, who had largely ignored contact with other religious groups in Northern Ireland. The Derry Vault was opened by the members of the Belfast Shelter and the Republic of Ulster was proclaimed in Derry in 2262 by delegates from across Ulster. They laid claim to the old province of Ulster, from the tip of Malins Head in Donegal to the old border of Cavan. It took years of treaties and the occasional military conquest to form the Ulsterian Republic that stand today. The old Republic of Ireland was no longer in existance and was instead inhabited by various small city states, built around the old counties they called home. Despite facing no nuclear attack, the Republic of Ireland collapsed shortly after the rest of Europe due to the pressure of no longer having viable trading partners. The Republic of Ulster shows little interest in expanding its border beyond their current form and have largely stayed on good terms with the city states in the south. In todays Ulster, the area around Belfast is lawless and mutated. The capital, a famous walled city on the River Foyle called Derry, is the largest city in Ulster and by some predictions, the island of Ireland. Many Ulsterians are still divided on religious lines but the old issue of British or Irish was blown up along with Stormont Castle. Many don't feel Irish or British but simply Ulsterian or rarely, Northern Irish. The various paramilitary groups that existed before the bombs fell still exist in some form or another but only serve as the military wing of the political parties. The standing army largely uses weaponry stolen from old Irish or British army bases that now lay within its borders. The Ulster Republic views the United Kingdom with suspicion and fears future attack from the British Crown. They have had limited contact with their neighbours and view this as a blessing rather than a curse. Still largely isolationist, the Ulsterians will soon need to begin extending their diplomatic arms or face the end of their independence. [b]Main Race:[/b] Ulsterian/Northern Irish [b]Main Religions:[/b] Catholicism: 48% Protestantism: 43% Other: 9% [b]Other:[/b] [i]Orange Order:[/i] Ulster Separatism/Protestant/UDA/Right-wing [i]Sinn Fein:[/i] Ulster Separatism/Catholic/NIRA/Left-wing [i]Population:[/i] 2,500,000 [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAPyRB7fy10[/youtube] [/centre] [/quote] Accepted!