Wes reached down and grabbed the pillow off of the floor when Sam invited him to the club fair. He paused, glancing up at the other boy before continuing to drop the pillow at the head of his bed. His first instinct was to just flat-out decline. Wes wasn't all that interested in spending more time with this person, no matter how bearable he seemed, and the idea of going out to brave the crowd again was unappealing. Besides, he never signed up for any clubs, anyway. His Ninetales, Claudia, opened her crimson eyes to shoot him a look, knowing him well enough to guess at his thoughts. The ends of her tails flicked back and forth through the air. It was no secret among the team that she didn't approve of his introverted ways. (Tilly didn't either, but she'd never challenge him like this. Gambit… didn't really care. Or at least, he tried not to.) Normally he ignored her looks, but lately… even he had to admit he'd been more withdrawn than usual. The edge of Wes' mouth quirked down for the briefest of moments before he gave a quiet sigh and looked away. [color=palegoldenrod]"Signups are usually in front of the library. I needed to go there anyway. I'll show you where it is."[/color] Claudia closed her eyes again, looking far too satisfied, while Gambit tried to look grumpy beside her. Tilly lit up and floated off of the Krookodile's head and over to flit around Wes in happiness. Picking up the two fallen Pokeballs, he returned Claudia and Gambit – there was no way this room was staying intact if those two were left alone. He slipped his earphones back in, picked up the egg and swaddled it in a patchy grey sweater, and started walking towards the door. [@NightmareInd]