[quote=@ZB1996] [@FacePunch] Well, you have my approval. It would certainly heat things up. If the war starts soon because of this, I think I still should be able to blockade Moravia, considering their navy is almost non-existent as of yet. [/quote] In all likeliness, considering that the process of invading that other nation is secretly underway, the terror attacks would probably be blamed on those people instead which would provide a nice little casus belli, something that Moravia lacked. I have a feeling that since it certainly is not in Zenovia interests to send over trolls for a terror attack, the blame would be attributed more to the PRK than anybody else. To avoid looking weak the Caesar would probably still be forced to use diplomatic pressure and thinly veiled threats to bully Zenovia (and the PRK if he can get away with it). This might be the chance for princess and her peace corps to shine.