When Kai mentioned that he would leave scanning to friends and wild pokemon Logan agreed. [color=orange]"Yeah, wouldn't want people thinking you're crazy."[/color] He said with a chuckle. Then suddenly he was left alone. Reira left off silently, but at least Kai made some kind of notion as to coming back. Shrugging it off he returned his pokemon to their balls and sat on a nearby bench. He people watched as he waited. Mostly Reira and Kai, but others as well. Families teaching their of age children what to buy and what to look for, trainers rushing in to have their pokemon healed, and those just perusing the lobby. Logan smiled to himself wondering what kind of adventure waited for him on the other side of those big sliding glass doors. Would he fulfil his dreams, or will some twist of fate put him down another path. It was all exciting and Logan couldn't wait. And appearantly neither could Reira as Logan noticed as she started to walk out the door without saying goodbye. Logan stood and made a combeeline strait for her. He was a few yards away and about to call out to her when she stopped and Kai appeared. Logan closed the distance and joined the other two trainers. Kai them asked the big question. Whould they like to travel together? Logan was more shocked at the fact that Kai wanted to travel with him. Some weird guy with a weird Golett. Logan finally spoke. [color=orange] "Yeah! I mean yes. Sure, I'd love to travel with you guys. That be super cool. Plus Oleg would probably get all depressed if I didn't come. I mean he probably get over it once he met the next fuzzball, but I can't have a sad pokemon for any amount of time. So, I'm in. What about you Reira?"[/color] He ended with a question to the girl in pink. [@onewayout] [@hylianrose]