[center][b]Katarina Sorenson[/b] [i]‘We’re only just beginning & it’s over…’[/i][/center] It was just like Aldaric to never back down from a challenge. He was completely indifferent and seemed to enjoy a good argument. Before long sharp words between both vampires were being thrown and Katarina made sure not a droplet of blood had split upon her flesh before joining them. Not every vampire created choas while devouring their prey. The fun messy stuff was kept behind closed doors never in public. She wasn't a complete animal after all. The young vampiress remained silent as the dissatisfied vampire retorted at Aldaric's reasoning. However, he did not deny being referred to as a Pureblood. Katrina's intrigue had spiked. Feral Purebloods were rare and she wondered where he had been hiding. Her sire would surely have invited him to one of the prohibition parties but she couldn't recall ever meeting him. [i]'Pureblood. He's a Pureblood. Pure, pure, blood, blood.'[/i] She thought quietly while trying to compose herself. Katarina closed azure hues and cracked her neck with a slight lift of her chin, and rotated her head to the left a bit in a sharp circular motion. Repetitious thoughts were all thanks to her addiction as well as her obsessive tendencies. She soon shook away the madness but another sensation took hold. Paranoia. It was indeed a blood bath in here and they were standing near the edge of it. Katarina motioned for her belongings from the vampire who attended to storing coats and placed purses in the VIP safes. Within a flash the male attendant began sliding an ankle length vintage flare coat over her pale arms, and handed her the purse she had arrived with concealing a walther gun. [b]"Enough."[/b] Katarina said in agitation. Her personality tended to change during moments of anxiety or hunger. She was much more aggressive and demanding. [b]"Aldaric, we should leave. Continue this conversation another time. We have overstayed our welcome."[/b] Then turning her attention to the Pureblood she began to speak. [b]"You. I do intend to fight this war. I must prove my worth and become stronger but as far as my soul, I sold it a long time ago when I accepted to become…this."[/b] Clearly, only a fool would not notice the regrets she tightly held onto. [b]"We are finished here but I am sure Aldaric would not mind your contribution to this cause. You would be a formidable ally, should you agree." [/b] A bit of hope could be heard in her speech. Had Katarina let this heated debate continue Aldaric would stand here indomitably, and discuss his plans and deep seeted hatred for The Society till the end of days. Like the Pureblood had mentioned prior, they would need to keep moving on at least until everything was situated. To be caught before preparations were complete was simply not an option. Losing her new family and Aldaric would destroy what sanity remained. Though, the possibility of their true deaths were highly likely at least they would seek justice together. A slender arm wrapped around Aldaric's toned one to gently begin nudging him toward the back of the raves exit. Katarina wondered if the passionate Pureblood would follow but after listening to his views the hope of a strong vampire such as himself would refuse. Holding no ill will toward him because she would understand his refusal. Aldaric did seem like a fanatic but was his cause not just? To a few the very thought was blasphemous but their opinions did not matter. His mind was made up and as for hers…well, she would blindly follow her dearest companion either way.