[hider=The Crocodile God][b]Series From:[/b] World of Darkness [b]Name:[/b] Sobek [b]Gender/Sex:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Abomination (4th Generation Settite, Mokole: Champsa Varna) [b]Appearance:[/b] As a shapeshifter of Gaia, Sobek possesses three forms that he can shift between at will. His "suchid" (Creator) shape is that of a huge nile crocodile. An venerated grandfather of the Nile, Sobek is over twenty feet long in this form, and is covered in thick, armor-like scales, and his powerful jaws are filled with dagger-like teeth. An albino, his thick hide is an alabaster white, and his eyes are blood red in color. Sobek's "homid" (Shaper) form is that of an Egyptian human (a Nubian to be precise). His human form possesses a hulking, muscular figure and brutish, almost subhuman features. He is typically dressed in the reignments of a slave, with little more than rags for clothes and bronze manacles on his wrists and ankles. His albinism persists through this form, bleaching his African skin into a milky white, and turning his close-shaven hair to the fairest blond. His eyes, however, are still a deep red, and maintain their primal, reptilian appearance from his suchid form. Likewise, Sobek keeps a mouth full of jagged, pointed fangs rather than normal human teeth. Last is Sobek's "archid" (Destroyer) form. By tapping into the genetic memory of all Mokole, the Mnesis, Sobek "dreamed" this form into existence upon his First Changing. A primordial abomination shaped from the nightmarish beasts that ruled the Earth before Man had set foot upon it, the archid form is among the most deadly of all of Gaia's creations. A reptilian, somewhat saurian beast, Sobek stands on four strong legs in this form, though at the shoulder he is still taller than most humans. His body is dense, yet flexible, and covered in impenetrably thick, armored scales. A powerful tail as long as his body stretches out behind him, aiding his balance as he runs or rears up onto his hind legs, or serving as a rudder in water. Sharp spines sprout along his back, and skin stretches between them to form a flamboyant sail from his neck to the base of his tail. With a thick, scaled skull and forward-facing eyes full of predatory intelligence, Sobek is clearly well-adapted to charge into battle headfirst. His mighty jaws are filled with teeth longer than Men's fingers, and lengthy, fearsome claws tip each of his toes. Once again, Sobek's albinism is evident, as this monstrosity is the color of polished ivory, and its eyes are the deep red of uncut rubies. [b]Personality:[/b] Despite his fearsome appearance, Sobek is a forlorn creature. Forsaken by his people and damned into the servitude of his most hated enemies, he is plagued by madness and self-loathing. As with most vampires of his age, he spends much time in torpor (or the "Dragon Sleep," as his people call their own form of hibernation), preferring to sleep away the eons rather than live through them in anguish. One of Sobek's few outlets for his overwhelming grief and hatred is the Rage, the gift of primal power to his people by the Celestines. Sobek generally breaks up his centuries of sleep with outbursts of unthinking, berserk destruction, before falling back into torpor. His fleeting moments between sleep and rage are hardly lucid, as his mind has withered greatly from being divorced from his patron spirits. Sobek whispers deluded prophecies and meaningless aphorisms to those that bother to listen, and walks through life as though it were a nightmare that he cannot wake up from. [b]Powers/Abilities: [/b]Sobek's supernatural powers are twofold: those of a Mokole, a weredragon of Gaia, and those of a Vampire, the damned descendants of Caine. Though since Sobek was embraced, his status as a vampire has overwritten many of his conditions and abilities as a shapeshifter. He retains a key few, however. As one of the Mokole-Mbembe of the Stream of Earth, Sobek is essentially a spirit of Gaia, the Worldsoul, made flesh. The speciality of his people is Mnesis, the Memory of Gaia. With it, he can recall events experienced by his ancestors, even those millions of years ago during the Age of Kings. Sobek can continue to shapeshift between his usual forms freely, though he no longer benefits from his Crowned Sun auspice. As with all of the Changing Breeds, Sobek is deeply tied to the spirit world, and can see and commune with spirits with ease. Though in his current form, the only spirits likely to listen to him are Banes, corrupted spirits of the Wyrm. Even so, Sobek is keenly attuned to sensing the spirit energy of natural places, and disturbances in the Gauntlet between the mortal world and the spirit world. Sobek's other powers are lost to him, as his Gnosis, his connection to nature and Gaia, has been severed by his undead condition. Even so, he retains his weakness to gold through his patron Celestine, Helios. As an ancient vampire, Sobek's powers are far more pronounced. Already a powerful beast, his physical capabilities are exaggerated further by his vampiric condition into truly unnatural extremes. Sobek can exert control over the natural forces of the desert, with particular regard to reptiles such as snakes and his kinfolk crocodiles, and is master of poisons and venoms. Sobek as well can warp the minds of those around him into viewing him as an exemplary being; even a god if he so chooses. Mortal minds are easily awed and influenced by his presence, and he possesses a most diabolical sort of charisma. Though he has lost his natural power to regenerate, he can restore wounds in his flesh by consuming the blood of humans (beast blood no longer slakes his thirst), though this depletes the mystic energy he uses to fuel his other supernatural abilities. As a vampire, Sobek is afflicted with the trifold Curse of Caine. Firstly, he is consumed with the Hunger, the overpowering need to consume the flesh and blood of mortal men. Second, light is his bane; sunlight is fatal to him, and he hates and fears fire. As a childe of Set, Sobek is particularly sensitive to light, as even particularly bright unnatural light is blinding and disorienting to him. Lastly, he is cursed with the Beast, a predatory instinct that fights Sobek for control over his own body. Should the Beast win, or simply be indulged, Sobek's higher mind takes backseat to his instincts to feed and survive, whichever is more important at the time. Sobek has few qualms over surrendering control to the Beast, as he is subject to its frenzy and the unstoppable Rage of the Mokole during his waking hours. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] The Crocodile God carries no weapons and wears no armor; his (un)natural body is mighty enough without them.[/hider]