[center][h1]Jiro[/h1][/center] Jiro jerked his head back, almost looking his balance, when she bent over forcing his eyes to meet hers. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of brown. He didn't know how to respond, but she said bye since class was starting. He thought about what just transpired and how strange it was. [color=ed1c24][i]"So a girl, her name was Nayu I believe, walked up to be, disregarding my entire appearance, ask if I was the one being bullied and thought I was nice... I have never experienced that ever since the accident. She looks pretty too, and completely innocent."[/i][/color] He thought to himself. He was handed a packet which broke his train of thought. He flipped through it and at first he thought this was a joke giving problems that a 1st grader could answer, but as he continued he found that it got harder to.the point where he would be surprised if anyone understood it. He read most of the school text books so he understood the concept and did a few problems to check, but after he started to tear the packet page by page, making paper airplanes out of it, every time a different kind of airplane. He looked at the teacher and was genuinely surprised that no-one has fired him, or even allowed him to work here. He though about visiting Nayu, but he didn't know what to even say so that was out. Not much was going on at the moment Simon was up to his usual tricks, disregarding his presence on the outside at the very least and everyone else was just chatting. He was about to pull out a book when his sixth sense kicked in and he felt, or rather, heard trouble brewing near the back where it sounded like the "rich bitch" and the "lame loser" where having a go at each other. He gave a big smile and slyly walked over there to spectate them and just maybe learn there names. Although he knew he would be amused he was a tad concerned it might get out of hand, since the teacher was in a different world thanks to that device of his. (Sorry for any misspellings I didn't get the time to check it over)