Man, each step this creature made, would make it feel as if the cold would swallow him whole! Each howl of wind brushing against his exposed body, and rendered him quite oblivious to his surroundings. At least, that was until he found himself stopped in the middle of the road; from the side, he glanced, and spotted two white lights approaching. Instantly, they stopped in front of the Creature, shining a better look in his appearance thanks to the headlights of the object. [color=a187be]“Hey! Get out of the road! I’ve got places to be!”[/color] It seemed as if the metallic beast was talking to him, little did he know that someone was inside that beast. The heat that radiated from the beam of light seemed to give him a small release from the colds grip, letting him drop his arms and look at the beast in front of him. Quickly, he jumped up, landing on the front window of the monster and managed to crack the hard surface. The monster let out two furious roars, scaring the creature and causing it to finally flee from the beast! On all fours now, it escaped into the small town that was on the other side of the road, looking for a place to hide.