[@Oz] [hider=OGA BUGA] CS: [img]http://img07.deviantart.net/0a4a/i/2015/151/e/4/crash_bandicoot_by_ry_spirit-d8vbu2h.jpg[/img] [Picture at the top] Series From: Crash Bandicoot Name: Crash Bandicoot Gender/Sex: Male Species: Eastern Barred Bandicoot Personality: he is always willing to help and is very attentive to others. But overall, he has a rather wacky, cartoonish personality, in simple terms, he is a tornado. His demented behavior was in fact extended to actual sadism/masochism which he takes pleasure in torturing innocent animals, park drones, and even himself. Despite this however, Crash is usually kindhearted and laid back. He is not known for his anger, even towards his greatest enemies he rarely maintains a great deal of contempt. Crash's intelligence level is something of a question, since he is illiterate and Aku even made a comment that brain damage was "not much of a danger to Crash". Powers/Abilities:  Mind Control Immunity – Perhaps linked to his previously mentioned lack of intelligence or maybe even something else entirely. But whatever it is Crash simply is immune to mind control  Enhanced Strength - Crash has displayed significant physical strength, able to cause considerable damage to Titans and other large creatures, such as Tiny. He also was able to pick up Crunch and slam him on the ground over and over, with little effort.  Enhanced Agility - Crash is also very agile, able to jump more than his own body height into the air with a standard jump, as well as pull off a double jump with similar vertical lift.  Enhanced Stamina - Crash also possesses exceptional stamina and resiliency, able to run and fight steadily for long periods of time (evidenced by the fact that many of his games' plots take place in a small span of time), and also take massive blows from Titans and the like, then just get back up and resume fighting with the same vigor and liveliness as before. The latter is also evidenced by the fact that he can spin at high speed for almost a solid minute before he gets dizzy, and still only stay dizzy for a brief moment.  Cyclone Spinning – Crash’s signature ability and just as the name implies, Crash is able to spin at such high speeds that he is able to deflect projectiles and deal centrifugal force-augmented blows to opponents and even allowing himself to float slowly to the ground Enhanced Speed - Crash can run quite fast, as evidenced by his Crash Dash ability. Enhanced Reflexes- Crash has improved reaction speed as he was able to dodge enemy attacks and projectiles. Enhanced Durability-Crash is able to take a large amount of damage and still continue fighting. Contortionist - Crash is quite limber, able to twist and crouch his body into all sorts of positions. This is perhaps helped by the fact that he is now a teenager. Expert Combatant - Crash is no novice when it comes to fighting, possessing considerable skill in hand-to-hand combat and an ability to use weapons, such his Fruit Bazooka and operating any sort of vehicle, with ease Natural Abilities - Since he's a bandicoot, Crash's natural instincts, such as digging, can be used to help him from time to time. Weapon(s): None [/hider]