[color=0072bc]"Sphinx? Chupacabra? Krakens? Those kinds of creatures?"[/color] Miroku asked once more. Well they were myths and that guy just said that they were going to fight creatures that came out of those kinds of stories. Well then, that would be rather hard to put on some teenagers. Those kinds of things were pretty hard to beat from what he heard. Even with his super speed, he doubted he would be able to defeat them with just punches. Hopefully they could give him more than just his hands. Maybe some weapons would be appreciated. [color=0072bc]"Soon enough the world will know about us right? Then why should we keep everything a secret?"[/color] His 'family' had to believe that he was going to some special school but he was well aware that it was not. He didn't like lying... or at least lying to his so called family. [@KatherinWinter]