[hider=Ayumu Tomoe, Mist Guardian] [b][u]Basic Data[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Ayumu Tomoe [b]Aliases:[/b] Class Rep, Namimori Jack of All Trades [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] [s]Best Girl but a Guy[/s] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Present Day] [img]http://i.imgur.com/VdZZCjz.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=TYL] [img]http://i.imgur.com/DEUTtju.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b][u]Combat Data[/u][/b] [b]Faction:[/b] Vongola Famiglia [b]Position:[/b] Mist Guardian Candidate [b]Flame:[/b] Mist [b]Equipment:[/b] Ayumu carries nothing out of the ordinary. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] At its core Ayumu’s combat style is built on nothing but theatricality and deception. With no combat training and no outstanding physical attributes, Ayumu only has his wiles and pragmatism by which to defeat his opponents. This isn’t to say that he prioritizes winning at all costs, though. While he would much rather like to win than lose, he ultimately prioritizes his survival over everything. That said, rather than being a threat in direct combat, Ayumu’s true talent lies in supporting his allies both directly and indirectly, whether that be through manipulating information or creating openings to exploit. [b]Techniques:[/b][list][*][i]Blank Slate[/i] - A technique that purges the mind of distractions in order to put the user in a mental state more suitable for focusing upon a specific intent. Though ineffective at dispelling illusions outright, it still makes it easier to maintain one's grip on reality.[/list][b]Special Characteristics:[/b][list][*][i]Faceless False Fake[/i] - A lie to the self that becomes truth to the world. A kind of extreme method acting that achieves flawless performance. It is this foundation by which Ayumu's reputation as an actor is built upon. Using information on a given role, it is possible for him to assume that identity with nigh-perfect accuracy. While it doesn't cover physical characteristics like appearance and voice or mnemonic characteristics like experience and training, essentially all that makes an individual who they are is replicated. It would not be a stretch to say that with the right disguise, it would be possible to play any role perfectly.[/list] [b][u]Personal Data[/u][/b] [b]Background:[/b] Ayumu was born in Tokyo to a pair of pretty normal parents, for a given value of normal that is. At any rate, the members of his immediate family lack any sort of association with the criminal underworld and are more or less just regular Japanese civilians. His parents separated when he was in elementary school as a result of irreconcilable differences compounded with his father’s company going bankrupt and depriving him of a means of supporting the family. Ever since then, Ayumu’s lived in Namimori with his mother. His relationship with his debt-ridden father is still very amicable, even if his mother doesn’t let them see each other outside of significant milestones in Ayumu’s life (although that doesn’t mean he hasn’t taken the train to Tokyo under the false pretenses on more than one occasion). On the other hand, Ayumu’s relationship with his mother is rather strained. She is a borderline-psychotic control freak who’d want nothing more than to micromanage her child’s lifestyle, and in a rather unsurprising turn of events, has turned Ayumu’s home life into not much more than a veritable bureaucratic nightmare full of rules and regulations that vary from the mundane to the completely bizarre. Nevertheless, it could be said she’s succeeded in her intentions; it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that everything that makes Ayumu ‘Ayumu’ is all this woman’s fault. Even his feminine appearance is a result of his mother’s desire to make him look less like the husband she can’t stand and more like herself so she could more easily live vicariously through him. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, Ayumu's sense of familial loyalty renders his ability to dissent rather low. More importantly however, living under such a domineering person has instilled a strong desire to be the one in control of himself rather than the one being controlled. He took up drama at the behest of his mother, but soon came to realize that he was both really, [i]really[/i] good at it and that, since his mother fully supported his decision to continue acting, it was an excellent way to maintain the illusion of control for both sides. As a result of his skills, he has become the Namimori High School Drama Club’s most valuable performer, but while acting is something he enjoys and a safe outlet where he can feel like everything’s fine. That aside, over the years Ayumu has managed to maintain a healthy, completely average life at school. He's maintained a reputation as a helpful, reliable 'jack of all trades' type as a result of his attempts at avoiding having to go home by staying behind at school helping people clean, organize events, orient new students, or whatever the need may be. He's mostly given the jobs that are too tedious or too much effort for the usual individuals, and typically volunteers for whatever's left just to fill his schedule. Similarly, he has taken up the role of representative for his class. But despite his rather cushy and respectable lot in life, he’s still very disappointed with his current state of affairs. After all, the deadline for the rest of his life rapidly approaches, and with no idea what he wants from his future, he feels as if he’s losing more and more control as each day passes. [b]Personality:[/b] If there's one thing everyone can agree on when it comes to Ayumu, it's that he's very sociable. He is very easily capable of initiating conversation with strangers and has a good enough feel for people to know when he's overstepped his bounds. Though he is most definitely acts the part of a emotional, good-natured, easygoing sort of person, his outward demeanor as a whole can be somewhat troublesome to deal with, especially for the uninitiated. Nowhere is this more evident than in the way he speaks. Even to strangers and superiors, his tone is one that walks the fine line between necessary cordiality and overly casual familiarity. Though he is fully aware of what contemporary etiquette expects of him, the way he speaks make it seem as if he's only making enough of a token effort not to be seen as outright impolite by peers. Along with this is an almost annoying confidence in his own talents and a propensity towards saying and doing things he doesn't necessarily mean in order to provoke a reaction and as acting as the devil's advocate. To a lesser extent, he's prone to occasional bouts of melodrama and being overly preoccupied with aesthetics. Still, while his outward nature can be somewhat disagreeable, his intent is rarely malicious, and while he does enjoy building himself up, he has no desire to take anybody down. Furthermore, despite his troublesome tendencies, he's actually very responsible; he works hard and takes his duties as seriously as he can, even if his hubris sometimes gets the better of him and he neglects to properly prepare. Still, he's very persistent and likes making good on his mistakes or incomplete work rather than forgetting about it and hoping everyone else forgets about it too. He's also the type to be tight-lipped about most things, which is fortunate for those whose secrets he's keeping but less fortunate for those who want to gossip. And despite what his troublesome attitude may suggest, he leans towards lawfulness and likes when things are kept nice and orderly. Similarly, he favors, though not always associates with, people who are good to others and is actually an optimist despite what his tendency to poke fun at the unlikeliness of ideal events coming to pass may push one to believe. Overall, one might be inclined to consider him to be someone who is brimming with infectious self-confidence. Ayumu himself desires to be like that. Unfortunately, at his core he's really not nearly as self-assured as he makes himself out to be despite what his bravado might imply. It wouldn't be wrong to say that the crux of his personality centers around a desire for control, but that's part of the problem. The idea of irrelevance, of being forced to support something he doesn't agree with, of having no say in his future both utterly terrifies and angers him, though that anger is self-directed more often than not. It's an all-consuming fear that permeates his very being. He struggles to maintain constant control of his own situation, and when that is lost or when he perceives that that is lost, a cavernous blankness overtakes him. As a result, he's developed a bad habit of using 'completely dissociate with my situation and pretend everything is fine' as his coping mechanism of choice, and when it finally hits him, he learns his lesson too well and too quickly. Unsurprisingly, you can get a better read of him as a person when he's on the reacting side of a situation in spite of, or perhaps because of, his usual role as the initiator. He's still rather calm and gentle though - control begins with the self, after all - so that's mostly relatively speaking. Considering his fixation on self-control and autonomy, it may be odd that he doesn't have many complaints about taking control from others. Contradictory and hypocritical perhaps, but humans are rarely in synchronicity with their ideals. [b]Relationships:[/b][list][*][b]Sachiko Kanno - Misunderstood "Mentorship"[/b] This odd pair first met when Sachiko transferred to Namimori. Ayumu, like usual, volunteered to be the one to orient her and acclimate her to the school setting. To say that Ayumu's interactions with Sachiko are odd would be an understatement. While the girl does all in her power to avoid him, Ayumu can't stand being unable to fulfill his perceived duty to the girl. As a result, he's become very persistent in trying to get through to the reticent young lady. Unfortunately for Ayumu, she does manage successfully avoid him most of the day. They do often have lunch together though, and their conversations are about as one-sided as one would expect. [*]Hisaki Kawaguchi [*][b]Yoshiaki Sugihara - Casual Acquaintance[/b] Ayumu's interactions with Yoshi began one fateful day. A day where one man did battle for justice, and was then assigned to community service as punishment. Luckily (Unluckily?) our delinquent hero was directed to seek out Ayumu for instructions and support. With the vast dichotomy between their personalities, their interactions were expectedly very unprofessional and involved lots of flustered yelling, useless small talk, and low-key interrogation. They don't really talk much outside of the rare occasions their duties/punishments align. [*]Yuki Volkov [/list] [b][u]Miscellaneous Data[/u][/b] [b]Nationality:[/b] Japanese [b]Birthdate:[/b] October 22 [b]Blood Type:[/b] B [b]Height:[/b] 175cm [b]Weight:[/b] 60kg [b]Likes:[/b] Cheesy icebreakers, fish dishes that aren't mackerel [b]Dislikes:[/b] Musicals, the length of his hair [b]Hobbies:[/b] Housekeeping, people watching [b]Talents:[/b] Delegation, playing cards, surprisingly good at tying knots [b]Family:[/b] Tamanone Tomoe née Fujino (Mother); Daisuke Tomoe (Father); Suzume Tomoe (Younger Half Sister) [b]Character Theme:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08ew_Kj-uK4]M12+13[/url] [b]Other:[/b] [/hider]