[h2]Alphonsé Akiyama[/h2] [h3]The Forgotten HQ[/h3] [@Vocab] [@LovelyAnastasia] [@MissCapnCrunch] [@Mivuli] [@Kei] [hr] Rōnin's anger simmered, glaring dangerously at the back of the boy walking into the store. His hand gripped his revolver tightly, cocking the gun in a threatening manner. '[b]This boy has more balls than you, old man! You're fucking pathetic! It looks like your days moping around with that whore of yours didn't do you any good, made you soft! Come on, shoot him in the back and let me take over here, I'll kill the rest for you![/b]' The Yakuza raised the one finger salute to the boy's back, spitting on where he stood. To cool down, he went around to the side of the group, leaning against the Forgotten HQ. '[b]You weak bastard.[/b]' Inner taunted, poking at the hidden anger contained within Alphonsé. But he had ways of calming down from a heated situation, to weaken Inner's strength. He looked at his shaking hands, jitters from an older time. He dug into his pocket, feeling around for his sanity keeper. The man felt the smooth surface of the pill and grabbed it, putting it straight into his mouth. He took a swig of water from his canteen to ease it downwards, the cool liquid refreshing his throat. The antipsychotic pills were useful but only temporary, calming his mania symptoms and bipolar disorder. Rōnin knew that he was running out of antipsychotics, antidepressants and crucial anti-anxiety pills. The occasional thought of killing himself and giving up on life became common due to the absence of his daily dose of the pill. And he knew that there wasn't only one pill, there were dozens of pills labeled as "anti-anxiety" and most of them don't work for him. If he took the wrong one, it could worsen his disorder. The Yakuza knew his time would be up soon, stopping these pills abruptly meant one thing. Symptoms. Weakness, fatigue, severe confusion of surroundings and seizures are all symptoms of stopping daily doses and Alphonsé knew he stopped taking anti-anxiety medicine for at least three days. Any of those could lead to death in the Wasteland. He knew that being in the Forgotten was not only an act of defiance but also a last resort, he needed that medicine. His thoughts were interrupted by the entering of the Forgotten guard. He carried himself with false bravado and threatened everyone to get in line. He scoffed at the boy, thinking he was so big and tough around people that were armed with their own guns. As the situation unfolded before him, Rōnin was in the background. There was no point in interfering, with no obvious threat towards him. Waiting patiently outside, he knew he needed to trade. His medicine was hard to come by but the Forgotten were known merchants. 'Then again, how would they react to a member relying on antidepressants, anti-anxiety and antipsychotics pills?' The Yakuza concluded that they wouldn't react well and waited for the trades to be done before finding the person named "Drake".