[hider=King] [img]http://upload.alibaba.com/common/upload/142/528/171/159/hz-fileserver-upload-02_i6rj20ry.jpg?size=80392&height=574&width=600&hash=c9681bea230b328c324eee61db7241c5[/img] Series From: Seven Deadly Sins Name: King Gender/Sex: Male Species: Fairy Personality: Since he is the Sin of Sloth, he is somewhat lazy, as shown by preferring to levitate in most occasions. In the past, he was shown to be a compassionate character who returned stolen stuffed animals by Ban to children. Furthermore, it appears that he is a fairly emotional person who cries easily. King is also shown to have a caring, through his lovd for his sister, and despite being the Sin of Sloth, he is also shown to be hard working and serious at times. Despite King's kind personality, he is not against killing someone, if pushed to his limits. Powers/Abilities: -[i]Levitation:[/i] King possesses the ability to levitate and is capable of flight because he is a fairy. He demonstrates great skill in using it and is able to move quickly through the air. He can also utilize this ability to levitate objects and manipulate their trajectory without the need to make any direct contact. -[i]Transformation:[/i] An ability that allows King to change his physical appearance as well as his clothes. In order for King to change appearance, he requires a great amount of concentration. This ability appears to leave him exhausted, however King was able to maintain his transformed appearance for quite a while ten years ago, implying he has immense willpower. Somehow King shifted to human form almost randomly in either comedic or serious situations. Weapon(s): Chastiefol: King's sacred treasure, and a holy weapon crafted from the sacred tree found only in the Fairy Realm. It possess eight different forms, and every time he switches the spears forms it takes time to switch into another one from the pillow.These are the different forms: -Pillow: When not in battle, the spear remains in the form of a pillow. The pillow can also act as a shield -Form One, Spear: King frequently utilizes this form, which is a long, broad spear, in conjunction with his levitation ability to perform basic ranged attacks. It acts as a homing-weapon, continuously following a dodging enemy and cornering them. This form takes great concentration to make it work right, so if King is targeted instead of the spear and his concentration is broken the spear will revert back to its pillow form. -Form Two, Guardian: When threatened, Chastiefol takes on the form of a large, stuffed bear by shape-shifting the moss that grows along its body. While in this form, it can be controlled by King to fight or immobilize enemies with its four limbs. Due to the high water concentration within the moss, it is highly resistant to fire. However, it bears a weakness against cold and freezing attacks. Alos it is one pf the more energy consuming forms. For the bear to work properly it has to feed of of the energy King feeds it thus making him tired and sleepy. King can only keep the bear active for 4 minutes. -Form Three, Fossilization: This form of Chastiefol is a twin headed spear with a spearhead shaped like the claws of a crab. This form has the ability to petrify an individual whom it pierces, rendering them unmovable and immobilized as a statue even if they are still alive. Unlike the other forms this form resist Kings levitation, so he has to actually pick it up and use it. King hates this form the most since he detest physical combat and rarely uses it. -Form Four, Sunflower: A gigantic shoot emerges from the earth, towering over enemies, as a flower bud blooms and shoots several projectiles that are capable of a great amount of destruction. Since it is a flower, this form only works during the day time, and after each brust of energy it has to be reacharged. If King helps focus the solar rays then the reacharge only takes 5 minutes, but if he doesn't then it could take up to ten. This form is completely useless in dark areas and at night. -Form Five, Increase: An army of small kunai-like spears are multiplied from one, their individual trajectories controlled by King at will through simple motioning and gesturing of his hands. This is another energy eater. If King were to put all his energy into this form he could conjure up 1000 kunai, but that would also render him useless, so he only brings out 100 or 200 at a time. -Form Seven, Luminosity:Creates a small light sphere with a ring on it to brighten up dark area around King. -Form Eight, Pollen Garden: A large barrier is formed around a person and is capable of withstanding even the most powerful attacks. The barrier is made of pollen from the Sacred Tree which have the capabilities of slowly healing and subsides the pain immediately. The shield acts as a mirror onto kjng. Whatever danage it takes King will receive in turn, and his endurance will only last so long. [/hider]