[@Dinh AaronMk]You do raise some good points yet also miss quite a few. First off, no matter if they drop thousands or even a hundred thousand nukes across the world, infrastructure will not cease altogether. Simply put we don't ever had enough boom for that. Nowadays almost even the smallest settlement in the first world has almost complete infrastructure. At worst the series of electromagnetic pulses make less shielded consumer electronics on the surface useless which kinda sucks but doesn't even slightly effect more protected pieces away from the direct blast zone or especially whatever people save up in bunkers. The world may shrink, key people may be missing but overall the idea of millions of modern or in this case futuristic humans would spend their time plowing the ground with no mechanization in sight is pretty much impossible. Especially not with the existence of Vaults where supposedly the said key personnel were sent to both retain the knowledge and work out a way to restore civilization once they or their descendants return to the surface. And again, you seriously underestimate the craftines of a humans during dire times. No, they won't just stand there with open mouths and occasionally complain how it sucks they don't have any tractors. Lastly, you use Fallout as comparison. As in the sci-fi series with pocket-sized fusion reactors, power armors, laser guns ad infinitum, robotic servants and all that jazz. These and even more "super" elements are all part of the setting. If you want a game about everyone struggling to survive then sorry because you've just visited the wrong game. Try those near-future post zombie apocalypse NRPs which occasionally pop up. In this RP we are openly endorsed to have sci-fi elements coupled with the shizoish anarchic atmosphere of the wastelands. Whether you like it or not this is a fact.