Chaos had broken loose pretty quickly. It was all a blur. A worried Jamie had her arms around her and Kahleen wrapped her arms tight around the woman. Holding on for dear life. Nothing around her made sense to her right now. She felt like this was all unreal. But the pounding heart in her chest told her just how real this was. The scariest part was probably that they were on a platform in the middle of the sea and the virus has gone around among the guards. There was no escaping from the metal island. In the end they'd have to fight. That realisation hit Kahleen hard. She never had to actually end a life. But at the same moment she knew, for Jamie she'd do anything. Kahleen Cuthald was too deep in her mind to notice the door opening softly and another panic wave hit them. She noticed the danger too late. With one arm she pushed Jamie behind herself and taggeled her to the ground covering her up for protection. Never would she have thought that she'd have the guts to do that in a life threatening situation. Kahleen was surprised that she didn't just duck to protect herself. She couldn't hear much more than screaming and gun shots in the air. The woman was half aware of all the bodies dropping to the ground. Her heart beat was pounding in her ears making it hard to concentrate on anything, yet a life saving solution. The brunette was positive that she'd be dead in a heartbeat. A young blonde woman used the knocked out guard as a protection shield, she held a gun in her hand. Why didn't she think of that? Or anything else but this Kahleen cursed herself for not acting smarter, for not doing something more effective. But it was too late now. She had a second to react and she wasted it.