[@SouffleGirl123] [@Weird Tales] [@BlackPanther] [@Dutchess Sarah] Brynn stared at them dumfounded. They weren't dead and they were worried about her. That was it, before she could stop then tears began making their way down her face. The whole experience was just too much to take in all at once. [color=fff79a]"you're all alive? [/color] She questioned in disbelief. To her it was some sort of mirical that they weren't hurt at all. She wiped her face off with her sweater sleeve, drying her tears before answering anyone. [color=fff79a]"I'm fine, really,"[/color] Brynn said though she didn't know if that was entirely true. Aside from being confused and scared she was perfectly alright so it wasn't a lie. She had no idea what a '[i]death eater[/i]' was but it sounded dumb. Who would think death sounded apatizing and what would they want with magic children. What would they want with her? She was nobody important, she didn't even know anyone important. She didn't even know how they could've gotten on the train or who [i]they[/i], the death eaters, even were.