In between Lady Callaghan's offer of employment to Cornelia and Cornelia's response, Lady Callaghan had asked Jacoby to procure some transportation. "Have the steamers swipe a carriage" Jacoby aside to Sir Geoffrey, causing the bird automaton to take flight in the direction of the steamdroids Jacoby had repaired and reprogrammed. Some time later, Sir Geoffrey returned with a steamdroid. "We have acquired transportation for you and your associates" the droid said as Sir Geoffrey perched on Jacoby's shoulder once more "It awaits your usage at the main entrance". "Excellent work" Jacoby told the droid. As the steamdroid turned to go, Jacoby stopped it. "Procure a carriage for yourselves too" Jacoby said "You 6 may prove helpful". "Very good, sir" the steamdroid replied before walking off to carry out Jacoby's orders. "A carriage awaits at the main entrance, my lady" Jacoby told Lady Callaghan once she had reached an agreement with Cornelia. [i]'Well Jacoby'[/i] he thought to himself [i]'It looks like you have an adventure on your hands'[/i].