[@CallMeChaotix] [color=9e0b0f][center][Blackwargreymon, Ayumi, Red Light District][/center][/color] The crowds screamed and shouted, inhuman tongues mixing with the more commonly spoken English as creatures as strange and diverse as the digital beings from his homeworld gathered around the makeshift arena. He faced what appeared to be a human, although he had learned that the humans of this world were not to be underestimated. The warrior he faced wore armour in accordance to what he learned was referred to as 'medieval technology', and wielded a large but intricately forged blade at least two meters in length. It swung the sword in a series of expert moves, wielding the mass of metal in one hand as if it were a mere dagger. The warrior's armour appeared to be plated in gold, but was in reality formed from some unknown and incredibly sturdy material. But all these things meant nothing to Blackwargreymon, or as he had become known in this new world, 'War'. The blade of the zweihander was swung in a deft arc, aimed to sever War's head from his shoulders. His opponent was a skilled warrior indeed, having instantly assessed his opponent's strengths and weaknesses. Wielding such powerful weapons and armour demonstrated great strength over speed, and the enemy was well aware of this. It chose not to evade, but to block attacks with a large and imposing shield that appeared to have been hewn from the side of a mountain. Blackwargreymon casually sidestepped the blow and stabbed forward, his blades impaling the opponent, slicing through the mystery metal as if it were butter. The three pronged claws struck true, dealing critical damage to all the organs that the organic lifeforms usually required. But just this would not stop his opponent, who merely stepped back into a defensive position and prepared to swing once more. This dance had repeated it several times, Blackwargreymon using his vastly superior speed to inflict devastating wounds on his opponent, only to find the human seemingly incapable of dying. Once it had decapitated the creature, only to find it upright mere moments later, ready once more to continue the fight. It was questionable whether such a creature could even be called a human, but Blackwargreymon had never been a stickler for definitions. More importantly he wondered how his opponent stood after every blow, how they rose after every death with more determination than before. What could motive a being beyond death. Revenge? Greed? Love? Hate? Had it not been engaged in a fight, it would have asked. But the enemy hadn't said a word the entire time, and 'War' doubted that the armoured knight would tell him even if he were to ask. The cheers and jeers of the crowd, the excited words of the announcer, the sound of traffic in the background, all of it was mute to him as he casually went through the motions of battle. But all such dances come to their end. Blackwargreymon cosndiered his opponent one last time, before he swiped the Zweihander out of the air, the massive blade shattering into pieces. [color=9e0b0f]"Death is inevitable. Perhaps this will help you find it."[/color] With those simple words, War gathered power into his right hand. An orb of pure darkness formed, crackling with red energy. It was a dark power, the gathered negative energy of this world, the pain of those who were slaughtered and oppressed, the hatred of those that would gain power through force, the envy of those who were forced to look on from the dirt as the mighty made themselves known. It was the power of darkness, and as he called upon it, he could feel the atmosphere tremble. His opponent took a step backwards, before rushing forwards in a last-ditch effort of some kind. Throwing up his shield as if he attempted to run through the attack, and to ram into Blackwargreymon. A futile thought, as the dice had already been cast. [color=9e0b0f]"Dark Terra Force"[/color] Wargreymon reached forward, and the orb of energy exploded into a burst of fiery red power. Waves of plasma washed over the streets, as his opponent spent his last seconds attempting to push through the immense explosive force of the Dark Terra Force. Steel and stone were melted down, and flesh reduced to mere ashes in the wind. With a thunderous explosion, the battle was brought to an end, the opponent reduced to nothing more than ashes in the wind, his formidable weaponry nothing more than puddles of superheated matter. The crowd cheered and howled, and Blackwargreymon absentmindedly collected his 'reward money'. Such goods were used to purchase the goods organic lifeforms required to live, but he had no use for such things. Anything he wished to possess he would take through force. No, he fought simply for the joy of fighting, to find an opponent worthy of meeting his blades. And despite his extended stay in this world, he had yet to find more than a handful that had taken any effort to face. And none that had been able to match him in combat. Perhaps it was not possible for these beings to truly challenge him, to face him on equal grounds. But then, there was no limit to his lifespan. His search would continue as long as it needed to, even after most of this world had been turned to dust. Of course, even in the middle of such contemplation Blackwargreymon was always ready for battle. And as a red form came shooting through the window near him, he reacted instantly. Reaching out with a speed that made him impossible for the human eye to follow, he caught the red blur in a single fist. The creature was the size of a human being, and seemed to be wearing a red spandex outfit. Blackwargreymon had recognized these individuals as 'supers', those humans who did not merely possess superhuman capabilities, but flaunted them at every opportunity to the world with colourful costumes and symbols. Looking around, War also noticed that a secondary blur was had come to a standstill nearby, a being that had mere moments before been moving faster than even he was able to go. It seemed that he had interrupted a battle of sorts. [color=9e0b0f]"To what purpose do you humans fight? For it seems to me that you are disturbing the public peace, and form a danger to this town. Such actions are the actions of a fool."[/color]