Lexi was sitting at the dining room table enjoying a bowl of Fruity Pebbles when Sam, one of her three older brothers, shambled down the stairs and hurried off toward the bathroom to take a shower, muttering curses under his breath the entire way. Lexi just shook her head as he passed from view before finishing off her breakfast, placing the dirty dishes in the sink before pulling out her phone to play some games on while she waited for him to finish getting ready. [i]”Why does he always do this?”[/i] she asked herself as the time passed, getting ever closer to the point where they would be late for their first class of the day: Calculus III. As usual, however, Sam came into the kitchen fully dressed and with just enough time to grab a bagel and slather it in cream cheese before ushering Lexi out the door as if he had been waiting on her the whole time, completely oblivious to the glares she shot his way every time he reminded her that they needed to hurry. In short order, they were situated in her brothers’ car, with Lexi seated in her booster seat in the back as required by the law, and on their way to the local community college, a good ten minutes drive from where they lived. Noting the time on her phone, Lexi was filled with relief that they would probably make it on time, especially given her older brother’s penchant for traveling [i]a bit[/i] above the speed limit. Once they arrived, they hurried to the lecture hall where their class took place, taking their seats shortly before the professor walked into the room and began the lecture on vector functions. Perhaps it was just because Lexi found the subject matter to be rather interesting, but the lecture was over in no time, people gathering their things and shuffling out the door to their next class or a spot where they could kill time with their friends. Not having a class to go to for another few hours, and lacking the friends that most of the other students had, Lexi figured that she would head to the library, as she usually did, and listen to music while she worked on homework. Upon entering the library, a squat stone building towards the middle of the campus, Lexi waved at the librarian at the desk and made her way to an open table. Once she had pulled the necessary materials from her purple backpack and had put her headphones in her ears, she got to work, humming occasionally. [hr] Having finished her homework quite a while ago, Lexi had started reading a book to pass the time, which she put away when her phone began vibrating to inform her that it was time to head to her next class: Art and Music History, which just so happened to be one of her favorites. She was also rather fortunate in that it was her last class for the day, as it usually filled her with at least one idea that she just had to sketch out, rendering her effectively unable to concentrate on anything else until she did. When she arrived at the lecture hall where the class was to take place, Lexi took her seat, foot bouncing in anticipation of the lecture that was to come. Unfortunately, her enjoyment of the class made it fly by on even the slowest of days, such that it seemed they had barely started when the professor informed them that they would carry on where they left off at their next meeting. Ordinarily, however, Lexi was too excited about getting home and painting to bemoan the fact that the class had ended. And this day was no different, as Lexi found herself eagerly approaching her brothers’ car where she would wait for them. Most of the time they arrived shortly behind her, but, as they were far more outgoing than she was, it wasn’t really all that uncommon for them to forget about her for a little bit while they hung out with their friends elsewhere on campus. And so, Lexi sat herself on the ground, not really caring that she would get her nice blue jeans dirty by doing so, and pulled her phone out to play games on until her brothers arrived.