[hider=James] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a0/de/6c/a0de6cd1c06348af676957a4d3f9a870.jpg[/img] Real Name: James Sterling God/goddess appearance:[img]http://pre02.deviantart.net/4afd/th/pre/f/2014/322/7/7/forest_god_by_artozi-d86uz8q.jpg[/img] God/goddess name: Centrion Parent: Demeter Age: 17 Power: He can control plant life like flower, trees, and vines/leaves. He can also talk to animals. Symbol:[url=http://i.istockimg.com/file_thumbview_approve/13236495/6/stock-illustration-13236495-ornate-fleur-de-lis.jpg]French Flower[/url] Animal: Squirrel Followers: Most forest dwellers who need nature to survive. Also famrers who survie on the seasons. Anyone that needs nature in there lives call to him. Bio: James grew up on the farm lands with his father. He like nature, is a mysterious fellow, sometimes feeling good and other times feeling bad. His gody parentage helped him with a deeper connection to the nature of the world. He has come to the academy to learn to become a good god and learn what it really means to be an immortal. [/hider]