[center][h1][color=lightgreen]Elena Reese[/color][/h1][/center] As Elena was reading through the news paper she leaned back in her seat enjoying the cup of coffee she had as well as the sandwich she had, she looked around wondering if there were any others like her in the room. [i]"Um... sorry but this looks like tha only empty spot left ta sit," he said, his accent a little thicker than usual. "D'ya mind if I join ye fer a minute?"[/i] Elena lowered the news paper, her hazel eyes looking up at Derrick asking her if he could sit down next to her. Seeing no harm in it at all she shrugged slightly and smiled. "Go on right ahead." Elena said softly as she took a sup from her coffee and set it down. She watched as the man sat down in the seat before setting the news paper aside and slid it over towards him. "I'm finished reading it if you wanted to, I found it on the table anyway." Elena said as she ran a hand through her hair and looked at her phone for a moment seeing she still had time. "So, what brings you here today?" Elena asked wanting to make small conversation with him. [@pockets]