[quote=@FacePunch] My apologies. I took [@Mihndar]'s earlier comment as approval. I should have waited for you specifically. Meh bad. Let me address your concerns, however. 1. The planes are supposed to be donations taken from anonymous individuals over the past century. Most of them are quite old and ineffectual against modern aircraft, especially the biplanes. Although I must admit a thousand does seem a bit excessive for such a small force. How does three hundred sound? Keeping in mind that the majority will be out of date biplanes and such. 2. I'm not very knowledgeable on such things as population statistics and sustenance farming. The area controlled by the DRA is outlined [url=http://i.imgur.com/NhJeor4.jpg]here.[/url] That's the poorly drawn squiggly lines underneath Moravia. How would you feel if I dropped the population growth projection to 50,000 and said that the DRA relies heavily on imported food to survive? The food shortage would also make for a decent storyline outlining why the DRA has chosen now to begin attacking their neighbors instead of fifty years ago. [/quote] Alright, 300 planes is more like it and if you want a bit more of a navy, go ahead. Now that the food thing is settled and the air force too, you're sheet is accepted (I'll be checking if you changed the things we discussed). Also, loved the opening post.