[center][b]Collaberation With Akayaofthemoon and KaiserElectric[/b][/center] Time passed by as the two continued to try and work out the kinks with the antidote but to no real avail. Rae knew they didn't have time for this, Shaso͞on needed help now and what was everyone doing...flitting off to join this intruder. Was one person really that hard to handle? What was with Reena's sudden change in attitude all of a sudden when she knew neither of the two in the infirmary were at the scientific level that the Sorlas female was? Either way, what ever the problem the woman had was it would end now even if she had to drag the other back and force her to fix this antidote. She wasn't one to take force on another crew member and was usually a mediator to almost any of the fights that broke out but Rae was on the end of her rope. She was running on no sleep, her energy reservoir was slowly being drained in an effort to keep her awake and on top of that she had a life on her hands that everyone seemed to want to drag her away from or completely ignore. The Cristallumian female raised from her seat calmly, taking only a second to look over Tymea before speaking in a serene tone that hide her true emotional feelings at the current moment. "Please continue to work on the antidote. I am stepping out for just a moment and shall be back shortly." That having been said, she fluidly turned on her heel and headed out of the medical bay and thought of which direction to journey. If Reena had indeed made it to the airlock with the others than surely they would be in the brig at this moment since Raymond had been heading to the airlock when they spoke earlier. It was always possible that they were all still chatting away but it seemed the most unlikely. However, if Reena had changed her mind at seeing the intruder or had decided not to continue to the brig with the rest of the crew members there than she could be anywhere. She took a moment longer to think on the situation before turning to the direct path to the airlock from the infirmary. At least if Reena wasn't in this direction than she would know the next few places to search. Luckily for all involved, Reena had only made it a few doors down before her emotional and physical state got the better of her. Compounded with the stress of a potential intruder and the guilt over what she had done, the Hype withdrawal had hit her like a sledgehammer. Even Rae could tell something was wrong as the delirious alien staggered down the corridors, bracing herself against the wall with a free hand. Alarmingly, her sidearm was still clutched tightly in her other hand, with no way to tell if it was armed to go off. Rae had only taken a few steps before spinning around to face her, the respirator in her suit amplifying her deep, shuddering breaths. "Wh-what?!?" Reena said sharply, distress audible in her voice. Her gun arm, although hanging limply at her side, seemed to twitch slightly as she spoke. A brow raised at the odd question that was asked of her since it was rather clear on what she could possibly want though it didn't take long to realize why it might have been asked. The distress was noted, the lack of stability was undeniable and the twitching was a clear sign to what was indeed happening to Reena at this very moment in time. Luirae realized that she had caught the Sorlas female in a vulnerable position and unfortunately while also armed. It put her on guard which started the process to her natural crystalline skin turning into a hardened armor though if hit right and on the sensitive unarmored parts of her skin than it would be quite painful. She would have to sleep if a hit like that happened so that her energy could work on the wound instead of on keeping her awake. This would mean that she could not work towards her main goal of helping Shaso͞on because she herself would be joining him in probably a coma like state while the wound healed and her energy rebuilt. She had to handle this situation carefully which usually required more of an emotional touch which she just didn't seem to have in her opinion...maybe anyone's opinion to be honest. "I apologize if I may have startled you. I require you back at the medical bay if you would please." Rae said as softly and calmly as she could. Reena's fingers gripping the gun tensed slightly as she processed what was said to her. Her somewhat incoherent thoughts seemed to scream at her to take action, even an aggressive one, but the familiar tone of the doctor's voice, or at least her somewhat awkward attempts to speak more calmly, seemed to connect with the xenobiologist's more analytical side. Reena tried to speak steadily as she fought a desperate battle with herself to preserve what was left of her dignity. "I...is there something wrong?" she finally said, attempting her usual logical tone. Her hand still refused to loosen its grip on the gun. "The antidote is harming Shaso͞on's blood while it attacks the poison. We cannot figure a way around it with our skills. He needs you. I cannot help him further without you presence so will you please return to the medical bay?" Luirae answered truthfully, asking rather than telling her to return. It would not end well otherwise, even she knew as much but if the answer was no than that gun would not be enough to stop her from dragging the other to the infirmary wither it might having to bleed and pass out for who knows how long. Rae probably didn't realize it, but she had stumbled upon the one method that would have brought Reena back to her unaltered self without delay. The problem with the antidote's reaction was a problem, potentially a fatal one, and a problem in need of a brilliant solution was what the new and improved Reena Vaemas thrived on. Steadying herself against the wall, she took one last shuddering breath before her body lost the battle for her mind, and she set herself to the new task at hand. Carefully replacing the sidearm in its holster, she began to ponder on a solution. "Right...so if the antidote is harming both the blood and the poison..." Reena remarked, desperately trying not to sound like she just overcame an anxiety attack. "I'll have a better idea of what's going on if I see for myself. If you'll lead the way?" "That seems quite logical...follow me and I will show you what we have thus far. If you think some other route is more efficient than there is still a pure source of poison to work with from the gland." Rae replied as she lead the way back down the hall and moving over to the counter with all the different slides. "I have brought Reena, I believe she will have more success than either of us. Please step aside so that she may get to work. You may join me in caring for Shaso͞on if you wish or maybe you wish to be free from the infirmary which is just fine too. I appreciate the help that you have given me today instead watching the intruder like a fish behind glass as many of the others decided to do." Rae said, waiting as Tymea made room for Reena so she had access to everything she might need before she turned her focus on her patient. The frayed nerves she had relaxing just a bit as she watched his hearts beat with her vision and could hear it clearly thanks to the monitors. She watched the poison carefully, making sure it didn't crawl too far up his leg though it was already further than she would have liked."I believe our time is more limited now than before." Rae stated. "I'll say, we don't have much time before the damage becomes irreversible, even for him," Reena stated matter-of-factually, pouring over the slides that were shown to her. "I'm guessing that the antidote is producing that effect because...AH!" Reena felt a surge of triumph as she found the evidence she was looking for on one of the slides. "This is the exact proof I was looking for. The antidote is in fact subject to the Lisast effect." "I'm not familiar with that term..." Rae admitted. "The Lisast effect was observed on the planet of the same name by Yhei researchers studying the native fauna, who suffered severe skin lesions after applying medication for treating allergic reactions to one of the plants that were studied. To make things short since Shaso͞on doesn't have the time, the Lisast effect is when the substance responsible for the affliction in question is so biologically similar that any substance designed to attack the poison can't discern the host from the attacker. Not a very nice thing to deal with, but since we know what it is that will make things much simpler to understand. Do you have the antidote you're working on?" Reena was handed the faulty antidote, and like that she was off, mixing in a few new substances and tweaking the formula to make it work for the dying Ju'yavāl. After a few precious seconds of furious work, she only needed some sort of plant material to help the new antidote tell Shaso͞on and the venom apart. She desperately searched the cabinets for anything, knowing that any attempts to find what she needed elsewhere would cost Shaso͞on his life. Slamming one of the cabinets shut irritably, she looked at her reflection and realized with a start that she was covered in blood! Wait no, that wasn't blood, it was... Reena couldn't believe her luck, nor could she believe that the disgusting plant that had exploded in her workstation had been useful all this time. Taking a scalpel, she scraped a healthy amount of the red plant material from her suit and added it to the formula. A few more stirs and added chemicals, and Reena knew she had it. It was a long shot, but it was the only shot that she had. This had to work. "Here's your antidote," Reena said confidently, gingerly handing the sample over to the doctor. "Time to save a life, doctor." "Thank you, Reena." Luirae said, a soft smile on her lips as she took the sample and filled it into a fresh needle before moving over to her patient. She carefully injected the antidote, her eyes switching vision to watch it work. It seemed to finally doing the trick but for how long he would continue to sleep would be unknown but at least he was finally out of danger of death. Rae's body visibly relaxing as she let go of the tension that had built up thanks to her worry. "He seems to be stable and the antidote is doing its job. He will have to stay here for observation and until he regains consciousness but at least he is out danger for now." she stated. She pressed the button to the communicator to inform their captain of the good news but paused as she thought of who the captain was with. She did not know this stranger and even though she told the captain to give them a chance, trust had to be earned. Luirae knew she would need to call Raymond out and speak to him away from the stranger if she was to give an update. "Reena, may I ask a favor? The captain wanted a report on Shaso͞on's condition should there be any change but unfortunately he is with the intruder and I don't trust that the strange might not eavesdrop. I would rather speak to Raymond in person on the matter away from this intruder. Can you watch over Shaso͞on until my return?" Rae asked as well as offering information on why she needed such a favor. It would also be best that if anything strange happened with the antidote that Reena could quickly think of a solution while she was away. "Of course," Reena said, taking a seat next to the monitors so she could make sure the antidote worked. Before she settled in, a pang of guilt over the state Rae found her in prompted her to say one last thing. "Rae...thank you for helping me out back there," she said meekly. She had been headed to the doorway after Reena agreed to stay but paused in her exit at hearing the meek words from the other. She wasn't quite sure what to say since she would have thought that the Sorlas would want to avoid broaching that subject. Rae turned her head slightly to look behind her before speaking gently,"Your welcome...It was my pleasure to assist during a difficult time. Excuse me.." That being said, she swiftly left and hoped that she had not said something upsetting. Now there was only one thing on her mind and that was to relay Shaso͞on's condition to Atlas.