[color=silver]"I see. I don't mind the chill, and it's not so uncommon for people powers to bleed over a little here. We're all still learning, after all. You felt mine when you first arrived, and I'm afraid I can't explain it in more depth with just words. I feel... no, that's not right... I [i]experience[/i] the emotions of others as though they were my own. Your nervous tension is mirrored in me at this very moment, causing me to feel the same to some degree."[/color] Thomas felt awkward explaining his ability so openly, as it addressed one of the things many people wished to hide from the world; their true feelings. Few and far between were the people that could block him out, and to him they felt like a void in the world. A place where something should exist, but nothing at all did instead. [color=silver]"You also felt the more dangerous part. If I focus on a person and an emotion, I can force it into them. It's easier to do when I'm touching them, but that also makes it easier to sense their emotions. I can't control it very well, so whe I first touch someone it's like a feedback loop. Their emotions pour into me and, amplified by touch and my power, are forced back upon them. I've caused more than one person to faint outright,"[/color] Thomas explained while they stood in the hall. Another new arrival had passed with Leo, and he had waved politely at the girl he could not see. The time was coming for them to return to the group, and his long-winded explanation was in part an attempt to stall further. [@KatherinWinter]