[@FateWeaver] Katherin could only imagine how awkward Thomas's ability had to be. People hated having their privacy invaded and there was nothing more private then a person's emotions. Especially the ones that they didn't want to admit to. If she had that ability Katherin was sure that she would avoid touching others as much as possible. Of course with her he hadn't had much choice in the matter. [color=6ecff6]"That can't be any easy ability to have. I am sorry to have to expose you to my emotions. I will try to memorize my way around as quickly as possible."[/color] She promised. She tilted her head as she heard two more orphans come upstairs. Neither of them acknowledged either her or Thomas. How many new arrivals were they getting? In a way she couldn't wait to met everyone, but she was also nervous. She had never spent alot of time with people her age. [color=6ecff6]"I think we should head back down. Going down stairs isn't as easy as going up then."[/color] Or at least for her it wasn't.