Watching her friend get dragged off like that, having to watch without being able to interfere, had scared Lavender. She had understood that Magic could be dangerous, when messed with. Her parents had made that abundently clear. But the dangers from those who used Magic to hurt others was something she had not considered before. The thought had frozen her in place, even after McGonnagal had lifted the spell. Brynn's tears melted the remaining fear away, and Lavender realized that in giving it her all at Hogwarts, she could learn to defend herself and others against these Death Eaters. If anything else, this experience made her more determined to learn to master her powers and overcome her fear of her Magical life. She shook her head, almost as if she was shaking off the remainder of the stunning spell, and put an arm around Brynn's shoulders.[i][color=ec008c] "We're all fine, Brynn. Are you sure you are okay?"[/color][/i] Lavender looked at the faces surrounding her and realized she was not the only one who had been shaken up by this experience. [color=ec008c][i]"A little shaken up perhaps. It was scary, watching her drag you off like that and not being able to move a muscle. What did they want with you, anyway?" [/i][/color]Lavender realised what she had said and blushed. [color=ec008c][i]"Oh, Gosh, I didn't mean it to come out like that... It's just that you seem like such a nice, innocent girl, and I can't understand why they targeted you."[/i][/color] She realized she wasn't helping herself and looked at the others for help. [@Classpet] [@SouffleGirl123] [@Weird Tales] [@BlackPanther]