The spat goo hitting his face is enough to throw him off, causing him to take the strike in the face. He recoils and growls, but she has already started moving towards the trees. He glares in her direction but does nothing further, having other things in mind. His wings spread and beat powerfully, lifting him off of the ground. To her it looks like he's just planning on leaving. He quickly gets enough height to go over the tree tops. But instead of just flying away, he begins to glide low over the forest. His throat rumbles as smoke starts to fume out of his mouth. A massive torrent of flame erupts out of his maw, the hot blood dripping from his nose turning molten before hitting the ground. The smell of what she spat on him is overwhelmed by the smoke coming from his mouth. He sets fire to the forest beneath him as he glides, the sheer scale of destruction caused by his swoop is enough to initiate a huge forest fire. His glide carries him away from her and by the time he needs to take a breath again, it's clear that her lake isn't going to be getting many visitors. He curves to the side and begins unleashing yet more flame on the forest, spreading the fire even further. He much preferred when there was no forest here, anyway. He'd rather see all of this burn. He keeps an eye out for the other dragon as he wrecks her home, preparing to attack her if she confronts him. He isn't in the mood for talking anymore. Either she leaves or she feels his teeth rip her throat out.