[center][h2][color=a0410d]Sam Cross[/color][/h2][/center] Sam couldn't get over this newly found anomaly. She could not be burned or hurt in anyway by fire! She had tested it everywhere. She had floated the flame from her lighter all over her hands, her arms, her feet, her chin, her hair, and most frightening of all, her eyeball (that had been a thrill!). The woman suffered none from any of her encounters of fire. What did this mean? Could this be some kind of sign? Maybe she should become a fire fighter and do something useful in work for once and save lives! She looked at herself and she knew she didn't have the muscle to back it up, but still! This was such a neat trick! She just wanted to run out and run into a fire (she never thought she would say that before). However, something began to contrast the warm and pleasing flame upon her skin. The wall that she was leaning against, sitting on the counter of sinks, began to suddenly grow very chilly, as if suddenly she was leaning against a refrigerator door. This was all very displeasing to Sam and she scooted away from the wall and hopped off the counter. Just as this occurred, a frost began to make itself known, coating the tile walls. The mirrors squealed from the sudden change in temperature, and the sink heads clicked softly as frost began to grow from the pipes. What? First fire and then ice? Was she responsible for this? No. For some reason she knew that this wasn't her doing, and telling from the fact that it was only effecting this wall, she had reason to believe that the sudden winter frost was emanating from the bathroom next door. "[color=a0410d]What the...[/color]" the woman whispered under her breath. More strangeness, she had even gone to the restroom to avoid this kind of oddity, but it obviously had not worked. [i]Well! Better investigate[/i] she thought with a great amount of annoyance. She crushed and threw away her cigarette in the trash and turned on the driers on her way out (in hopes of circulating the smoky air to rid of any evidence). Sam unlocked the door and made her way out, just as another woman did the same out of the men’s bathroom… well, that was odd (most woman didn’t go to the mens restroom, but she supposed it was her doing… -cough-). That wasn’t the only strange thing though. The woman looked at the large moon mark on the woman’s head that shined with light. Sam’s eyes grew wide and she could only muster, “[color=a0410d]Hey! Whoa. You’re… uhm…[/color]” Then her mind came back to her game, League of Legends and she shook her head for a minute. “[color=a0410d]Please tell me your just cosplaying Diana from League and please give me a logical reason for why there is ice growing on the wall connecting the boy’s and girls restroom…[/color]” Despite the fact that she wished to be given a non-crazy explanation, she was pretty sure her answers were going to be anything but. [center][@Eklispe][@Cubix][@DFA][/center]