[@LordofthePies] Karen closed her eyes to think. In all probability, the danger had now passed. [color=92278f]"Yes, I think the teachers have seen to it already."[/color] Her pale little face scrunched up as she recalled her earlier failure. Once again, she reminded herself that she would never again let herself be conquered by fear. [color=92278f]"I'm sure that we're all . . . safe now."[/color] Her words died down as she caught sight of Bishop, shaking more than ever. He looked frightened, and a panicked look had rooted itself in his eyes. Karen was at a loss for what to do. She had never encountered a situation like this before. It occurred to her that she might comfort him, but she didn't know how. She wasn't used to being the comforter, rather than the comforted. All the same, she would not allow herself to be inactive. Doing the first thing that came into her head, Karen stood up and switched seats, sitting besides Bishop. Once there she paused - her father had done this with her whenever she was sad, but she didn't know if it would help. She reached out her hand and patted Bishops head silently. Wordlessly, she stared Bishop in the eyes, unwavering and determined, all the while ruffling his hair.