1: I would want to eat myself a Welsh Corgi marinated in a light Worcestershire/soy sauce mix. Served over a bed of roast potato wedges and boiled cabbage. 2: First, the Conversation. I would like to talk with the Roman Emperor Nerō Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus. Over a glass of his favorite lead infused red wine. Second, the ass kicking. sorry Arminius, my boot + your ass is how it would go. Last, the shagging. Hmm, I'm on a Roman Roll so it'd have to be Alexander the Great. Because those statues make that man look delicious. #HasNoShame 3: John Wayne; I can never be as much of a man as he was. But, perhaps basking in his holy presence will bless me later in my life so that I can be a 1/10th of the man he was. May He Rest in Peace. Questions! 1: What kind of pie would you bring to this company? Do you think that it will impact the way we do business? 2: If you had to be sacrificed to any deity, fictional or historical, what would it/they be? 3: What is your favorite Michal Jackson song?