[img]http://www.gogirlies.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/420389_350915431665319_47980341_n.jpg[/img] Sophia looked out the window of the chariot, seeing the school come into view. She looked over the her father, who gave her a reassuring smile that she could tell was forced. She hadn't left the north since she was a little godling, all those years ago, and now she was going to be off on her own. The north winds carried the chariot lightly to the ground, and Sophia waved goodbye, feeling her nerves increase. Her father pulled her into a hug before she left. She forced the tears to stay inside of her, and stepped out into the warm air, pulling her coat tight as the warm air cooled around her. She didn't look as the chariot flew away, back to the home she had always known. She only looked forward, at her new home, the ground frosting beneath her feet as she realized that she wouldn't be seeing the northern lights again anytime soon.