[hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/5yrp6U6.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [i]"Well... there is one more place that comes to mind." "Where?" "Far south of here, there's a stretch of land, big stretch. Seafarers wander along the edges and say it goes on for days. All you can see before the fog hanging over gets too thick is the coast. Sometimes sand, sometimes dirt, but there's always trees." "What's so special about it?" "Well it's new land. Section of the map no one's claimed yet. There's explorers and prospectors, even some armys' scouting parties sailing there every other week. Territory, resources, indigenous species, all up for grabs. That attracts a lot of people, y'know." "Is it dangerous?" "'Course it is. Not everyone has come back but, the ones who do never went beyond the shore. That's why no one knows anything about it. But that's just what an intrepid adventurer like you is attracted to, isn't it?" "It just might be. What's the place called?" "Lots of names for it. Folks around here, though? We just call it the Continent."[/i] [hr] [color=red][b]Important:[/b] To preface any who are considering joining but may be intimidated by the IC's buildup, don't be. The game is all about new encounters with little to no leading forward unto, for the most part.[/color] So. The idea behind Undiscovery is simple. The Continent, and everything beyond it, is open to interpretation. Countries, civilizations, species and gods are all up to the players, including myself, to create. You can make up an entire people and their history or just stick to one dude, or a handful, either's fine by me. One of the goals here is for the game to be malleable. And the other goal, is to build up the Continent, from its lore to its landmasses. You can contribute as much or as little as you want. Focus on entire settlements, or just your own character and their interactions with everyone else's. Aa far as rules go, the norm applies, plus the following: [list][*]You are free to create anything you like to put within the Continent, but please keep in mind that this is a high fantasy setting. Magic, medieval, steampunk, all those and similar are acceptable. Don't come in here with laser minigun-toting characters or modern/futuristic style civilizations. Be sure to practice some self-moderation. [*]I don't care how powerful you make your characters or civilizations or what have you, but please, if things get [i]too[/i] ridiculous, I'm gonna have to take action. [*]Playing as someone who has traveled to the Continent [i]is[/i] preferred, but I'm cool with native characters as long as they don't imply that they know the Continent's [i]greatest[/i] secrets. And as well, playing as a native means they should have never traveled outside of the Continent, mostly due to lore aspects. I'm willing to forgive foregoings of this rule because I haven't made those lore bits too clear yet. [*][i]There may be conflict between some pieces of the player-created lore.[/i] If someone has submitted something that you're not 100% on board with, just do what I do and deliberately neglect to acknowledge that particular subject matter's existence. Trust me, I'll have a fair reason as to why someone can see a lake in one place where someone else sees a hill. [*]The posting speed and word counts [i]will[/i] vary. I'd like to consider Undiscovery as reaching all across the free-to-casual-to-advanced spectrum. I am [i]absolutely[/i] someone who prefers quality over quantity. I don't care if your posts are like, a couple sentences, just so long as they get the point across with an absence of too much filler. And [i]don't feel[/i] that you have to match someone else's word counts or writing speed just because they're higher or faster than yours. [*]This game will start out as Jump-In, but I may switch it to Apply or even close it off to newcomers if things get too hectic. Just a fair warning.[/list] Now, for character submissions, I prefer to make the process as open as possible. You can devise your own sheet format, or just write however long a description you feel is appropriate, like I prefer to do. And that's all there is to it. If you have any questions, talk to me or [@UrbanEvolution]. And lastly, enjoy yourselves. That's more important than anything.