[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/A0P2zZk.png?1[/img] [h1][color=orangered]THERESA OT AN BOL'HJAR[/color][/h1] [color=skyblue]MARKED BY THE VIGILS[/color] Cast out of her like-haired tribe of warriors, Theresa has adopted a lifestyle of combat and wanderlust. As such, she has come to the Continent out of sheer adventurous nature, wanting to dig up its mysteries and meet its many inhabitants, however dangerous the expedition may become. [hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Ad53CXR.png?3[/img] [h1][color=firebrick]GERALD PITHERS[/color][/h1] [color=skyblue]MARKED BY THE VIGILS[/color] The product of a mix-up in a sinister necromantic ritual, the drunkard Gerald was cast to sea shortly after his resurrection. After he washed up on the shore of the Continent, he decided he had nothing better to do and began exploring. [hr] [h1][color=skyblue]COASTAL VIGILS[/color][/h1] Servants of an ancient and accursed proclomation, the lumbering Coastal Vigils announce all arrivals within the Continent, and mark them in such a way that they are never permitted to leave. [hr] [h1][color=slategray]JOLLY GUTTERS[/color][/h1] A leader amongst the black-blooded, inhuman Cleaver-Men originating from the ruined city of Aardvale, Jolly Gutters is the perfect example of a coloquially named "mark hunter", going out of his way to put down any such threats to the natives of the Continent. [hr] [h1][color=olive]JULIAN, KEEPER OF THE JUNCTION[/color][/h1] A much, much older native of the Continent, Julian maintains the cross-connecting haven known as the Keeper's Junction. Full of information regarding the Continent and what lies within and around it, Julian is a friendly character who provides whatever he can to those he calls friends.[/center]