[b]"Well, Dreads, you might be able to offer her more than what I've got for that map- but I never said I was interested in the map."[/b] the boy that the one eyed girl had been referring to as "Cyote" spoke, and Marion nodded her head diligently. She understood what the boy was coming at, and Mari didn't feel the need to interfere much more than she did. [i]"It's Marion by the way. Mari for short. If you're going to be doing business with me in the future, I prefer you use my name and not my hairstyle. Could get pretty nasty if we all started referring to one another with by how we look, huh?"[/i] a sly grin came across the young girl's face as she was was reminded by the presence of the other customer. With a doe like gaze, Marion watched as the young woman adjusted various parts of herself in a slow and regulated matter. [b]"We got ourselves a trade, darlin'?"[/b] the sly tongue of the woman spoke, and Mari nodded once again. [b]"I'm feelin' a wee bit drained, if ye know wut I mean."[/b] Marion chuckled, it felt like the day had been going on for several days at once already. [i]"You're telling me..."[/i] Mari started, before putting her two fingers up to her forehead and doing a small salute. [i]"Deal. Give me a minute."[/i] In normal times she would have given a handshake but with the outbreak and bandits afoot, you never know what could be lingering on anyone's hands. Ducking down behind the counter, Marion pressed a series of numbers on the key pad that was installed on their cabinets of goodies. In emergency it could be opened with the key that Marion kept in the left cup of her bra, but in most cases she just used the 6 number sequence. [i]"Bottle of water, bandages and salve"[/i] Marion repeated to herself grabbing the bandages and salve from the cabinet and closing it back up tightly with the kick of her foot while she was standing up. [i]"Bandages and salve."[/i] Marion said, moving some of the boy's laid out items to the side so that she could place them on the counter. Turning around she took an empty plastic water bottle from the pile and began using the water pump system they had in place for clean filtered water at all times. Twisting the cap back on, tightly- she placed it next to the two other items. [i]"And, the water."[/i] The trade with the woman was now almost complete. [i]"As for you shortie, I'd like to get some of your items off my counter top, so let me know what you want for these things here."[/i] she motioned towards the items she had picked out from his pile that could be of use to them.