[quote=@Letter Bee] [@Eviledd1984], Join the mission against Old Man's Corner? [@Chronothesis], I don't think a GECK works that way in Canon. [/quote] I knew it, Dx. [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/7/7a/GECK.png/revision/latest?cb=20111202180734[/img] The Garden of Eden Creation Kit is a device capable of radically altering the Wasteland and transforming dead, irradiated soil into viable land suitable for farming; it is implied, though not confirmed, that this is the usual mode of operation for a GECK in Fallout 2. However, there is significant disagreement as to what a GECK actually does; the only time we see one properly in action (rather than merely the results) is in Fallout 3. Since Each Vault got one except for some of the Vaults, I was thinking of some group to find out that there was a terraforming device called the GECK, expanding our destinations to the Commonwealth to find the creation Kit. It is also stated that GECK was given to the vaults, had, at least, two given to them. Each Vault was presumably issued with two GECKs, except for Vaults 8, 13, 112, and 101; Vault 8's extra GECK got swapped (whether, by accident or some nefarious scheme, this is not known) with Vault 13's surplus water chips that had been ordered as backups. Vaults 112 and 101 were never issued GECKs because they were never intended to be re-opened; each was an experiment in permanent confinement. I was thinking of an ARC that revolved around GECK. If possible. o-o