As the others took their positions, Duncan stepped across the hallway to take cover in an alcove. He could hear the soldiers thundering down both ends of the corridor toward; either they knew the armoury had been hit, or they were trying to arm up for the fight. Either way, it meant shit was about to kick off. With Ashton holding the doorway and Minerva ready to tangle with any who got too close, he took another tac. As the soldiers began filing down the corridor, he slid as far into his alcove as possible, hidden in shadows from their alert ayes. As the first Galbadian fell, minus an eye socket, he quietly cocked the machine gun and ran the sling over his head. [i]Couple seconds more...[/i] Once the soldiers had entrenched on either side of the armoury door, all their attention fixed on suppressing the sniper long enough to break in, Duncan swung around the corner. The gun fell to hang naturally at his hip and he yanked the trigger down hard. A stream of bullets caught the soldiers completely unprepared, scything through them before they could turn to face the new threat. Caught in a crossfire between Ashton at the doorway and Duncan in the corridor, the first wave melted away. Duncan didn't hang around to gloat through, darting into the armoury as the last soldier fell. He trusted Ashton not to put a round through his skull, but couldn't help but duck reflexively as he ducked inside. [b]'Fine work, ladies. Ready for round two?'[/b] As the others gathered themselves for the next wave, Duncan lay took post in once corner, ready to spray the doorway at the first sign of blue. As they tenses up for the fight, they heard a burst of gunfire down the corridor and a familiar voice calling out. Seconds later Jericho backed into the room, cussing black and blue and bringing a tired smile to Duncan's lips. [b]'Welcome back mate. You get that gen down?'[/b] Once the others with Jericho had dove in, he sprayed the doorway with fire, giving the soldiers outside a few moment's pause. [b]'Plan is to wait for the others, then onward and upward.'[/b] He paused ling enough to stitch a line of holes through the arm of one soldier who didn't know how to use cover properly. [b]'But I'm not sure if that's viable anymore.'[/b] The whole plan had been a bit adhoc, so when the outside attackers had made their play it had all become a bit redundant. [b]'New plan. Bullrush these cunts, take the control room, get outta here. Objections? No? Out-fucking-standing. Minerva, Jericho, you're up front; soldiers, cover our rear.'[/b] For his part, Fresno was still in shock. He had been set up, sword in hand for when the melee started, but those few soldiers who made it into the armoury had been butchered before he had a chance. He couldn't help but feel a whole new wave of relief for not being stationed in Dollet... He jogged over to Phillips, giving the man a shaky brofist. [b]'You ok man? This shit be cray...'[/b] A minute of preparation later and the SeeDs were stacked up by the doors. [b]'On one.'[/b], Duncan called tersely. [b]'Three-'[/b] He threw a grenade out into the corridor. [b]'Two-'[/b] Their attackers began yelling in panic, unable to escape the blast in time. [b]'One!'[/b] A split second after the grenade went off, they threw themselves into the corridor. From his place at the back of the line, Fresno didn't see much, but if the heavy gunfire and panicked yells were any hint, the battle wasn't going well for Galbadia. He followed along as the team stormed the corridor, breaking through patches of disorganised and disorientated soldiers. Before long they reached a stairwell, the entrance to the prison control room and, as far as he knew, the only way out of the facility. Duncan stopped them at the foot of the stairs, rapidly reloading his oversized gun. [b]'Alright then. Same again; grenade, you two charge, we follow.'[/b] He pulled the pin on the next grenade, nodding to Jericho and Minerva. [b]'Three...'[/b] [hr] Elsewhere in the facility, two men were running desperately away from the explosions and gunfire. They dove into an open cell, slammed the door shut behind them. One slid to the floor as he partner tried to build a barricade. [b]'R-Royce... Did you hear which cells got opened?'[/b] The man stacking tables against the door paused for a second, his expression grim. [b]'... All of 'em. System's fried.'[/b] The implication wasn't lost on Agent Mako. With all the prisoners free to escape at their leisure, the SeeDs he had spent so much time with must be loose. [b]'Oh... oh dear...'[/b] He drew his service pistol, something he had barely touched before today. Royce watched painfully as his partner tried to load the weapon; if SeeD did find them, he knew Mako wouldn't be able to defend himself. If it came to it, he would have to hold SeeD off. He sighed wearily, then chuckled. [i]Can't beat 'em, but I can make the bastards work for it.[/i]