[hider=Crow Forest] [img]http://andreewallin.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/M106.jpg[/img] South East of the continent lays a vast thick forest. Its warm and sticky all year round. Summers are filled with high temperatures, and bugs, while winters are filled with rain. Life grows quickly in this rainforest, whether. It be the birds in the sky, the mammals down below, or the reptiles that live in the bush. But just as life can be given it can be taken away here. There is predator in ever form here in the forest, that leaf could be poison, the small and cuddly beast could be dangerous, you just never know in crow forest. [/hider] [hider=Tecolotl People] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5b/82/6e/5b826e4e3ffa02604ade2d5c75a4d332.jpg[/img] These brown skinned warriors have lived in the Crow forest for as long as anyone can remember. They are hunter-gatheres by nature but are not as primitive as they seem. They take modern practices from the outside a d apply them to life with the forest. The Tecolotl are ruled by an absolute monarchy. The forest is magical by nature an so are it's people, but in order to keep the magic alive they must do virgin sacrifices on one day of the month to appease their gods. The more magically gifted make up the royal family while everyine else are weaker civilians. There are not big cities, more like large [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/42/3e/22/423e2272f6613dd164e53b8354150b9b.jpg]villages[/url], and the heavily populated villages have large [url=http://www.exisonline.com/media/content/exteriors/Surzin_JungleConcept05.jpg]pyramids[/url] and temples. There are only four villages with pyramids including the capital [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/76/1c/63/761c63a80040a68cb584ea6bfdf2c09c.jpg]Meztli[/url]. Most people come to the forest villages, looking for dyes and game. Also for ecxotic jewels and magics. So you see a pair of eyes in the bush it is probably not some animal but the Tecolotl. [/hider] [hider=Queen Mazataca] [img]https://raynertickner15.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/aztec_warrior-copy.jpg[/img] She is the current leader of the Tecolotl people. She is called the Ash Queen because of she came into power. Her father was a obese tyrant and she kicked him off the throne by waging civil war. It is knkwn as the time of ash because everytime you came to the forest you could see grey ash covering every form of life. She is a powerful pyromatic who did not just set her home ablaze but also her people. Soon the war ended with her wearing the crown. [/hider] [hr] [center][img]http://i52.tinypic.com/zy9210.jpg[/img][h2]Roy Allen Stratton[/h2][/center] "What magic? You mean my magic? Well it runs in thd family. You see I am a young man who comes from a far away place, with one goal to learn the magicl secrets of the Continent and create an elixir of immortality. Cool right? I know, but don't be intimidated by me I never really finished my training with my father so I can only do some elemental magics for now. But kings were not made over night so neither will my greatness be."