Charles would be near the front of the school with three elderly ladies, he would kneel down infront of them taking off his hat and puts it on his knee "I will not fail you.." he says "I will make you proud mothers.." to him each of the fates who's raised him from when he was born was his mothers, so he treated them as such. he would raise when one motioned for him to do so, they gave him a kind smile, the shortest tapped his arm before they simply walked away.. soon to vanish. Charles would put his hat back on and look towards the school "..Time to see what fate may have in store for myself" he says ----------------------- Oni would fly down on a broom landing out front. She decided she rather fly on a broom this day... she doesn't normally even need props to fly thanks to her ancestry but she likes the feel of the wind rushing through your hair when your not exerting much energy. she would pick up her broom and press it against the book on her hips and the broom would get sucked into it stored away. She would look around... seeing some of the other students and have a look of disgust on her face at the men in such close proximity to her. She would enter the school and head to main office to get information.