[h1][color=a2d39c][i][b][center]Syn Kor[/center][/b][/i][/color][/h1] [i]Earlier that day...[/i] Syn and the prisoners had narrowly evaded recapture by the Imperium, though only able to do so through the use of the sewers, highrise, luck, and multiple disguises. By the time Syn had met up with her contact with the Librarians, she and the prisoners have drastically changed their attires to that of servants of a near by restaurant. The man approached and asked of her identity, snarling at him. [color=a2d39c]""Syn? I'm the Courier. Dammit you fool, don't you remember? Don't use real names."[/color] Sighing, she was just going to have to trust the rookie. Her job was done. [color=a2d39c]"Take these three to one of the hideouts and await further orders. Good luck out there, and remember codenames!"[/color] Syn sluck back into the shadows, escaping though a service tunnel back to her own HQ, also known as home. [i]Presently...[/i] After the incident yesterday, Syn was glad to know that there were minimal casualties on her part. Granted, there were many injured when her imps attacked the towers, and something happened over at the execution grounds that killed more than Syn intended, but for the former it was inevitable, and the latter turned into a mess well out of her control. While it wasn't a perfect job it still served the purpose of freeing some of their own agents from the chopping block, as well as reminding the common folk that the Imperium weren't as invincible as they seemed. Of course any loyalist would downplay what happened yesterday, and indeed as Syn was on her regular morning commute there wasn't even whispers about the botched executions. Information was a high price to pay for in the cities controlled by the Imperium, but Syn was confident their message was spreading nonetheless. At nights Syn would leave her home, using secret routes to head to a Librarian HQ which had the cover of a teacher's office. Not all the teachers there actually were part of the Librarians, quite a few were staunch loyalist of the Imperium in fact. But that just made it all the better as cover, allowing Syn and her fellow revolutionaries to work right under the Imperium noses. It helped that at this facility, the Imperium also had it's secrets to keep. Here Syn and the teachers would review information and textbooks they'd receive to teach their curriculum. It's not spoken of, but the Imperium censors much of it; sure it shows everything that happens, but from the perspective of the Imperium's allies, if not the Imperium itself. It was very patriotic, but also filled with half-truths and sometimes lies, or at least deliberate misunderstandings. Syn's little acts if rebelling was introducing the truth into these textbooks, as did some of her allies. Aside from altering school documents, Syn also was a teacher. She didn't teach conventional subjects such as mathematics of language, but of Tomes. Their uses, their creation, and their mastery. Syn liked to think of herself as one of the most popular teachers, because nearly all the students wishes to learn more about their personal Tomes, and Syn was more than glad to teach it. The green teacher was walking down the school halls when she noticed many students distancing themselves. Syn sniffed her armors wondering if she still smelled of the sewers (She did not), only to notice a fiery redhead walking down the aisle. It was Fei, daughter of Asgard. Everyone feared her, openy or secretly, even Syn. Though she kept it secretive for many reasons: One, she obviously can't let a student cowl her in public. And two, because she feared that if she did anger Fei in particular, her mother may look into Syn's life and discover her affiliations with the Librarian. Thus Syn had to tread carefully, but not give into fear. When they crossed paths, Syn stopped and bowed her head respectfully to Fei. [color=a2d39c]"Top of the morning, Fei. I hope the day's been treating you well?"[/color] [@BlueAjah]