[h1] Characters [/h1] [hider=Saaria (Main Char.)] Saaria Morgossa [b][color=ed1c24]The Fire Within The Ice[/color][/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/71/6b/61/716b6156274b06a7c3935c2e5522e8b9.jpg[/img] As far north as north goes, there lies the crystalline city of Talii, populated by the reptillian Kirkos and the Laeros, a group of snow elves who have long held the north. The Kirkos and the Laeros used to be mortal enemies, destroying each others land and waging an endless war. Peace was eventually made when Paxillus, one of the last remaining dragons, descended upon them. Using the intelligence of the Laeros and the force of the Kirkos, they slayed Paxillus, and made a treaty. The ice queen Mallea married the Kirkos king Jarvos, and they bore their first child. The birth of Saaria nearly tore apart the peace of Talii. She was a strange mix of elf and dragon, and soon sprouted wings. (Kirkos sometimes grow wings, however they are simply aesthetic, and Kirkos cannot fly.) People began calling her the dragon child, or the demon of the north. She was locked deep within a dungeon after she first shapeshifted partially into a dragon, and destroyed a large portion of the castle in confusion. The citizens were terrified of her, of what she might do if she were to be free. The peace was uneasy, the races beginning to divide once more as Saaria lay isolated in her dungeon, unaware of the world outside of those four, dark walls. Nobody truly trusted eachother again,until the birth of Saaria's little sister, Lillia. She was truly a perfect blend of Kirkos and Laeros, with beautiful elven features, and scales outlining those same features. She restored the peace once again, unifying the two races,and all was well in Talii. Until a few years later, when Saaria broke free. [/hider] [hider=Lillia] Lillia Morgossa [b][color=7bcdc8]The Light Within The Dark[/color][/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/22/e7/31/22e7310559c9843d03bb3f68302d1bd9.jpg[/img] (Note: Lillia has horns and a tail, and her jawline and arms are graced with the occasional scale) When Lillia was born, the city of Talii took a collective sigh of relief. She was nothing like the monster her sister had been. She was a fair creature, a blend of Kirkos and Laeros that was more Elven than Draconic, whereas her sister had been more Draconic than Elven. Lillia is known for her immense beauty. Even though she is only 15 years old, she is one of the fairest creatures in Talii. She often freely roams the streets without guards, as all the people in the city love her. She will someday take over as queen of Talii, but in her mind, that seems far away. Until Saaria broke free. She didn't harm anyone on her way out, she simply scared a few people. But now that the demon of Talii had been released, the peace that Lillia embodied was once again uneasy. Her mother fell ill soon before Saaria escaped, and her father's warmongering against her older sister makes out Saaria to be worse than the infamous dragon that united Lillia's people in the first place. She'd heard stories of her older sister since she was little. People said she wasn't even humanoid, that she was deformed and monstrous. But Lillia had seen her make her escape. She looked relatively normal, despite her off-putting red hair. How can she protect someone she doesn't even know, when everyone else thinks they are a monster? [/hider] [hider=Assassins] [hider=Lenkai Toberius] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/02/f2/a6/02f2a6f010ab7885a6324d4f426312e9.jpg[/img] Lenkai is an assassin from The Sept. He is one of the lower class citizens of Talii, as his hair is a brown instead of a fair white/blond. He was recruited to The Sept when he was arrested for poaching as a ten year old. He has spent ten years training with them, but still has much learning to do. Lenkai's special ability is the true reason he was brought to The Sept. He can see the world through the eyes of animals, making him a useful scout for the priests. He has a bond with The Sept's hunting beast Feiris [hider=Feiris] [img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/36e5f8f8fba0a96ca0829e9c8882342f/tumblr_nga3qzGa061sq7b23o1_500.jpg[/img] (Note: Feiris is almost entirely covered in scales, and has a long, lizard-like tongue) Feiris was a jungle cat "blessed" by the fairies that The Sept worships. His true origins are unknown. He can breathe a toxic gas that will knock people out if inhaled directly. His claws are as sharp as swords. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=NPCs] [hider=Nerissa Willos] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f6/7b/c0/f67bc0b1f2a3ae88593021f3dfd547b5.jpg[/img] Vagner's sister, she is loved by everyone in the village. She begs the heroes to search for her brother, whom she knows is alive due to her powers. Nerissa can see things in her dreams that nobody else can. She senses that her brother is alive, she can feel his life force, can feel that he is being held somewhere by the enemy. The enemy seems to target her as well as her brother. Her, Adam, and Adam's father are the makeshift leaders of Unterosten. [/hider] [hider=Adam] Adam is Nerissa's fiance, and one of the makeshift leaders of Unterosten. The people look up to him because of his skills in the field. He has killed many Taken, and saved countless lives in the initial siege of the port town. He lives for Nerissa, and all he wants is to be with her. He originally came to the village from the dark elf city, where he was a noble. However, his father got a job in Unterosten, and they moved east. [/hider] [/hider] [h1] Places [/h1] [hider=Talii] [img]https://bradsowter.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/utopia.jpg[/img] Talii, the crystal city of the north. Inhabited by the reptilian tribal Kirkos, and the snow elves (Laeros), the city is a mostly peaceful place. They are governed by the council of Talii, and The Sept, the Kirkosi religious group. The widespread belief in the city is that fairies blessed the crystals that the homes were made of, causing them to light up in the darkness. The Laeros believe it is because of a fluorescent chemical found in the crystals, but The Sept stands firm with their beliefs. Underground, however, lies a web of secrets, with Saariandara Morgossa somewhere near the center. [/hider] [hider=Unterosten] [img]http://img14.deviantart.net/1faa/i/2011/221/1/4/lost_paradise_by_natmonney-d45yiv1.jpg[/img] Unterosten is a small town-like place that houses about 100 total villagers. These people took refuge in an ancient temple in the jungle as the Curse began. [hider=The Curse] Unterosten used to be a peaceful coastline town, until the Dark One descended upon them. Originally it was thought of as a plague. Strange marks appeared on people who claimed to have been attacked by a beast, and then they disappeared shortly afterwards. The mindset changed after the Taken rose back to life and attacked the small town, killing most of its population. The remaining villagers fled into the woods, led by the town's strongest wizard to a fortress in the woods. They stayed there, until the wizard himself was marked, and vanished from their midst. The town now lives in paranoia as the Taken descend upon the temple each night. The Dark One appears within the city each full moon, and marks anyone it sees. The Marked transform at night, their skin shimmering and vanishing, leaving them walking, talking skeletons. They still have their memories, however, once they are killed, the mark spreads, and they become one of The Taken, skeletal monsters who attack anything they see. [/hider] [/hider]