[hider=Maaka Vaakul] [center][b]Maaka Vaakul[/b] [/center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/r11ObEP.jpg[/img] [img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/c776/th/pre/i/2013/271/5/b/there_s_serenity_somewhere_by_raikoh_illust-d6obilq.jpg[/img] [color=662d91][u]Introduction[/u][/color] [color=662d91][b]Full Name:[/b][/color] Maaka Vaakul [color=662d91][b]Age:[/b][/color] 18 [color=662d91][b]Species:[/b][/color] Togruta [color=662d91][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=662d91][b]Force Sensitive:[/b][/color] Likely [color=662d91][u]Appearance][/u][/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Hgskwxd.jpg[/img][/center] [color=662d91][b]Description:[/b][/color] Maaka is small compared to most species in the galaxy, standing at a mere 4'5" measured from her feet to the top of her lekku's. This size doesn't help her lean and scrawny build at all. But the more noticeable features are the montrals and lekku typical for the Togruta species, both underdeveloped and shaped, as well as her strikingly ash-grey skin only interrupted by a white skin marking in her face. Her lekku markings are of an even darker shade of grey, a more bluish one, and enveloped the tips and a strip right above that. Around the top of her face, where her montrals fuse with the skin, a black, protective piece of metal frames her face, a tradition with Togruta. Two other prominent facial features are her lilac eyes and the sharp fangs, the latter of which are a normal Togruta feature stemming from their predatory ancestry. Generally Maaka has two separate pieces of clothing she wears. One are her black robes, which are comfortable to wear and are used mostly when she is not engaged in combat activities. The other is a dark purple Mandalorian armour with a helmet modified for Togruta usage. [img]http://i.imgur.com/InbV9ds.png[/img] [color=662d91][u]Characteristics[/u][/color] [color=662d91][b]Personality[/b][/color] The palette of Maaka's personality is quite diversified. One the one hand she has her business face. Cold, calculating and always a snide remark or a clever retort on her lips, but on the other hand, she is immensely vulnerable and oftentimes cries every night. Even her business sometimes tears her apart, especially when emotionally harsh bounties are to be collected. Although she would never openly admit her emotional weaknesses, but ripping apart families absolutely hurts herself, too. After every taxing mission, she has to take a breather and think about what she had just done as well as recuperate emotionally, aka crying out her frustrations. Over the course of the last year, those emotional breakdowns have become a lot less frequent. [color=662d91][b]Fears & Flaws[/b][/color] [b]Fear-Being Backstabbed:[/b] Maaka is quite distrustful of a good portion of her clients, especially those with either Imperial or shady backgrounds. She fears to be betrayed and is quite paranoid to prevent it as best as possible and to prepare as many contingency plans as possible. [b]Fear- Discrimination:[/b] As a kid, Maaka was discriminated against quite frequently. And that didn't stop growing up. Even now, when not in armour, she has a rough time in some places. Of course Maaka would not openly show that she is affected by it and often times she is able to retort efficiently, but it destroys her emotionally and internally. [b]Flaw- Inexperience:[/b] Due to her young age, Maaka doesn't possess a lot of experience in a lot of fields except for things related to bounty hunting. She also never had a teacher and so, she is quite ignorant of history and everything going on in the galaxy, but she nevertheless still pretends to know, which will undoubtedly lead to her taking a quite hard fall one day. [b]Flaw- Emotional Instability:[/b] As already stated, due to her exposure to a lot of abuse and loss, Maaka is in a state of constant instability, even though she might seem okay on the outside, she is not. Her job as bounty hunter didn't help her originally quite soft personality in any way, but could quite possibly made it worse. [b]Flaw- Size does matter:[/b] Her relatively small frame does not allow for a lot of physical force, no matter how hard she trained, she just isn't physically strong at all. [color=662d91][b]Talents[/b][/color] [b]Powertech:[/b] Flamethrowers? Rockets? Vibroknifes? Jet packs? Complicated shield generators? No worry, Maaka knows how to operate almost everything technological, especially when related to combat. But also out of combat, she is reliable in using and fixing tech stuff. [b]The Hunt:[/b] Finding people or things is no problem for Maaka at all. But not only that counts to the skills needed for a successful bounty hunter, she is also good at taking out people as well as kidnapping. She might still be a little inexperienced, but that is something only fixable by training over and over, which is something she does almost religiously. [b]Dogfighter:[/b] She might not be great at navigating the galaxy, mostly because of her lack of knowledge, but when it comes to fighter-on-fighter combat, her skills are excellent and could challenge the piloting of Imperial Aces. [color=662d91][u]History[/u][/color] [color=662d91][b]Backstory[/b][/color] Born on the Togruta colony of Kiros, young Maaka had to learn to survive on her own very quickly as her parents were not home pretty often. This was because both of them were active rebel supporters providing money and directional advice to them. Soon after the destruction of Yavin IV her parents became quite panicky and paranoid, suspecting Imperial spies to be everywhere. One day, while Maaka was playing, her parents came into her room and shoved her out of the village with the order to hide in the grass. Only a few minutes later a Star Destroyer appeared in the sky above the village and spit out TIE Fighters and Shuttles. While the TIE's bombarded the village with laser fire, the shuttles landed and a battalion of Stormtroopers stormed the village blasters blazing. This scene has burned itself into her mind with all its intensity. Too horrified to even cry, Maaka, just 9 at that time stumbled into the open towards the burning village, which proved to be her first mistake. A Stormtrooper who was part of the squad that hadn't retreated yet spotted the little girl and fired. The blaster bolt hit the girl in the waist and she collapsed. Luckily for Maaka, the Trooper decided to leave her to die slowly instead of blasting her again. But still Maaka lay there for a good six hours before the first scavengers arrived. Another stroke of luck hit her that time and she was found by a rather friendly Off-Worlder, a Mandalorian, who nursed her back to health and generally was pretty much a surrogate father to her. Ravvin, which was the human's name, was also a skilled bounty hunter and so Maaka started to learn his line of work. Her mind already twisted from the horrors of her burning friends and family from the village, Maaka liked it a lot, so much so that she developed a separate personality just for hunting bounties. She also learned to fly spaceships, which would come in handy quite soon. During her time with Ravvin she experienced racism for the first time, even got beat up on the street by kids a few years older than herself for not being human and she came to fear the looming discrimination. One sentence Ravvin said to her that day would forever be lodged in her mind. “When you wear the armour, you're no race. You're a hunter, you're the embodiment of death.” Of course Ravvin made sure to introduce Maaka to his chieftain on Mandalore, who himself introduced Maaka to somebody who offered to make her her own armour. This made Maaka de facto a fully fledged Mandalorian herself. Shortly after her fouteenth birthday, though, her life got rough once more. A routine mission got bloody when the client Ravvin had gotten work from turned out to be a member of the ISB and he wanted the two bounty hunters to shut up about anything they had done in that mission. So he set a trap. Ravvin fell for it, but managed to flee to his ship, where Maaka patiently waited for his return. Just as he ran up the ramp to the entrance of the ship, a squadron of Stormtroopers appeared and opened fire on the two. Ravvin was too close to them and got nailed by a good dozen bullets before going down, but not before yelling for Maaka to run, to fly, back “home”. In tears, Maaka did what she was told to, but in space a frigate and its fighter complement waited for her. Whatever helped her to kill the fighters and disable the frigate all on her own, it had done a good job. In the end, she managed to get back to Mandalore where the chieftain declared it was time for her to go out on her own and earn her place in the galaxy. She got her first armour made and set out into the galaxy, first as a mercenary, then, with more experience, as a bounty hunter. Forward a few years, Maaka, now 18, owns her newest piece of Madalorian armour and also owns a respectable ship, the [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/c/c0/Republicattackshuttle.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120708055513]Lancer[/url], a modified Nu-class Shuttle, configured to be a gunboat. To be on Tatooine, she has taken on a job to gather a rare Krayt Dragon pearl from one of the rich locals, who turned out to be an Imperial Officer...[/hider] Will pretty up later. EDIT: okay, pretty now.