Derrick sat, self consciously adjusting his leather vest. He sometimes forgot that he wasn't the savory looking type. Thick beard and a heavy belt knife strapped to his leg, most people acted nervous around him. This girl didn't seem even a little nervous though. Probably because she had some power to protect herself. "Kind o' ye," he said and took a drink of his coffee. "I'm jest ridin' around, really. Jest lost me job up in Sacramento recently, so lookin' fer somethin' new, ye know?" He took the offered paper and held it up so that it blocked the view of their table from the rest of the shop. "Actually, I'd stopped ta have a smoke not far from here and I saw somethin' interestin'. A girl with an orange mustang. She waved her hand over tha battery and the bleeding car just roared ta life. Damdest thing I ever saw." He lowered his voice so no one else would hear him. "Now, don't go worryin'. I ain't gonna out ye." He focused, pressing an image into his mind and small motes of light gathered on the table in front of them. In seconds a half a dozen small fat characters were walking silently along the table. The seven dwarfs from snow white gathered at the base of his coffee cup. After debating amongst themselves one of them produced a rope with a grappling hook attached and threw it high into the air, for them. It hooked on the edge of his cup and they started climbing up the side. "I'm a bit different meself, jest thought I'd say hello. Me names Derrick." He held his hand or as the dwarves reached the top of his cup and stood staring down into his coffee. "It's a pleasure ta meet ye." [@Nallore]