Lennox shrugged. He had no real problems with the team itself. In fact it was more beneficial. Maybe he could get some information after all, though he obviously wouldn't attack or threaten his team leader further. That would be idiotic. [color=blue]"Sure I guess. There's nothing much else to do. And we know a bit about each other regardless."[/color] He spoke calmly as he turned towards Sayuri, awaiting her movement since she had the room assignment. [color=purple] "U-um... Don't you mean [i]rooms[/i]? Like with an [i]s[/i]?"[/color] Rosalia asked a bit, hiding [i]very[/i] closely behind Sayuri, blushing a bright red. [color=blue]"Sorry Wolf girl. It's all one room. One time. Mind, body, spirit, and all that."[/color] Lennox said calmly. [color=blue]"Don't worry. You can trust us. I may seem like a jerk, but I can be reliable when it counts."[/color] He said eyes focused on Sayuri for confirmation. It was true after all. [color=purple]"I guess..."[/color] It was more her upbringing and the reaction of her parents that worried her and weighed down on her mind. Still, Rosalia could trust, [i]at the very least[/i], Sayuri on this subject. She would follow willinging.