[b]Main Characters:[/b] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a9/6a/f1/a96af1c713e4e08ad255021eb2f63530.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=#00B300][h3]Filius Ventura Cantrella, aka Vent or Wanderer[/h3][/color][/center] “Are ye all ready to hear a story of the most wonderful tell? Nay? Well too facking bad ye fools! I don’t care for what demands ye make of me, this is my turn to tell a story and tell it I shall!. Now listen close for I ain’t much one for repeatin’ myself and I don’t like talk over banter. Yes, I am talkin’ about you Darian, now shut yer fucking trap and listen. Good good, now we can start that I have all ye youngins’ attention. This tale comes from that Continent everybody talks about but it began here, in our quaint little town o’ Cordal. Yes, I know what yer thinkin’, our here town ain’t never created anybody of note. We are just simple farmers and hunters but there existed a family here once who were known for their eccentricities, most notable among them was their need to explore everything. Their family bore only one child, a son by the name o’ Filius Ventura Cantrella. He went by Vent though. Vent always wondered off into the forest and cared little for anything us simple folk coulda taught him. It was when the young man turned eighteen summers old that his father passed on their own hidden secret, a facking magical beast which followed the youngest member of the family around. They had no idea when it came from and we had never even noticed it because they kept it locked up in their house. But, it was alone in its life and the Cantrellas hated such a thing for such a beauty. That is why they wandered everywhere. They was searchin’ for its home but none o’ them had thought to go to the Continent until Vent suggested it. That’s how our hero landed himself in a small port city built in the rocks around the coast of the Continent. Now, I remember the day he arrived like it was no other…” [i]*Scene fades to black*[/i] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/5f/b3/af/5fb3af84cda9bb5106fd67a5632a460c.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=#00B300][h3]Jeanne Silvus Osterian, aka Anne or Bard[/h3][/color][/center] “You lot probably wouldn’t believe me but I was a young woman back then. Barely older than sixteen but had been left there by what one woulda called a family. But they were no family to me. Them bastards had gotten pregnant on the Continent and bore me into the world only to leave me at that damn Port. That city was called… Rockvale I think. I don’t quite remember. There were so many lands that I traveled through, so many cities whose streets I walked, and too damn many times where I begged to get just a bit o’ coin to feed myself for the night. Now though, now I live a happy life and it never woulda happened it it tweren’t for that fool of man Vent.” [b]Secondary Characters:[/b] [hider=The Trio] [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/4e7c/f/2008/207/d/8/tribes_of_the_moon__lodges_by_kiyo.jpg[/img] The Trio are three mages from the Mainland who came to the Continent seeking the unquenchable power of which stories told existed on the expansive land. Yet, all they found there was disappointment and became trapped on the Continent after being marked by the Vigils. More will be added once the Trio properly make an appearance. [/hider] [b]Places:[/b] [hider=Rockvale] [img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/4c82/th/pre/i/2013/113/5/a/beach_city_concept_by_jonathanp45-d62slse.jpg[/img] Rockvale is by far the dingiest and most rotten port city there could ever be. The city was not created out of the trade of legal items nor the sales of items from the Continent to the regular world. Rather, Rockvale was created by pirates and is far from lawfully good. The entrance of the city has a gate but it was created by the local thugs, the Red Banners, who rule the city. Most common goods are priced insanely above common prices and stealing it is often accepted so long as one can avoid the people who run the stand. Just don't steal from the Red Banners, they have informant throughout the entire town and would have no issue making a few nobodies disappear and another group of nobodies happier. Most of the buildings seem to be made of wood which smells like rot while the center of the town, where the port can be found, have buildings built out of stone and into the island itself. That center portion is where the Red Banners members can be found spending most of their time. I guess I should add this as well, the small dirt road you can find in the picture of Rockvale leads to a town of wood houses. Most of these houses are built out of shipwrecked parts and the center of that little slum is the mast of a ship with a blood red flag flown off it. The flag is literally stained with blood mind you. [/hider] [hider=Plains of Narook] [img]https://hdwallpapers.cat/wallpaper_3840x2160/i_found_it_fantasy_sky_anime_girl_magic_way_ultra_3840x2160_hd-wallpaper-1578609.jpg[/img] These plains extend for nearly as far as the eye can see and are pockmarked by nearly hundreds of large crystals. These crystals often jut out of where they stand and appear almost as if to have crashed there. Several shanty towns have formed throughout the plains but are often quickly torn down for the crystals are next to impossible to mine with steel or iron tools. Instead, the plains are mostly inhabited by many nomadic tribes who seemingly worship many of the crystals and stop near them for the winter due to the heat they release and seemingly store. [/hider] [b]Factions:[/b] [hider=Red Banners] [color=#cc0000][h2]Red Banners[/h2][/color] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a4/ef/88/a4ef88eb53740eae41f2fcf7cd9e370a.jpg[/img] The Red Banners are by far the most horrid and rotten crew of pirates that have existed along the edges of the Continent’s coastline. Their rise to power is noted to have come about after the establishment of Rockvale and the increase in illegal trade of rare creatures off the Continent. Within the short period of two years, the Red Banners established themselves as raiders along the coast. The port cities which were along the coast became targets of the Red Banners and the many ships which arrived carrying new meat to the Continent quickly became a source of men and women for their slave trade. Yet, the main source of the Red Banners revenue were from offering ‘protection’ for traders to get through the seas between the Continent and the mainland. Though, those traders quickly realized that the protection was a lie yet kept the payments up due to knowing full well that the lack of payment would be a lose in sales for them. The leader of the Red Banners is a man who goes by Barrow. This horrid man of a human bears signs of many battles on his chest and arms but his face shows the experience he has over the regular person when it comes to fighting. From the first glance at Barrow, a person could easily tell that his ability to care for someone only last as long as they are useful and that those who aren’t useful often end up with a crack from the whip he bears on his left hip. It is better to avoid Barrow for he spends most of his time in Rockvale to ‘keep the peace’ and he fails to take well to those who start fights [/hider] [b]Races:[/b] [hider=Ra’Ha’Noohk] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/de/ab/8b/deab8b6c6c38413523f6985fe14bb932.jpg[/img] The Ra’Ha’Noohk are certainly an odd race to have ever graced the Continent being that they are rhinoceroses in a more humanoid fashion. These beings are seemingly only found in the crystalline Plains of Narook and are the top tribe of nomads who wander throughout due to their warlike nature. Being nearly ten feet tall and weighing around five hundred pounds, the Ra’Ha’Noohk are just as imposing as tales told by the other two tribes of the Plains told to travelers. Almost all of the Ra’Ha’Noohk are warriors or hunters and they consume copious amounts of meat from the large beasts which travel through the Plains. During Winter, the Ra’Ha’Noohk have the prime spots and crystals for setting up camp and are often uncontested in tournaments held annually by the many shanty towns of Narook. Worship Narook though they call her Ba’Hrook and worship her by sacrificing five of their strongest warriors every Winter. [/hider] [hider=Orcs] [img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/c8b1/th/pre/f/2012/318/d/b/tribal_warrior_by_len_yan-d5kyy4d.jpg[/img] The Orcs of Narook are quite different from what those from off the Continent hear in stories being that they aren’t quite as brutish as they are made out to be. Rather than slow moving and slow thinking brutes, Orcs are agile and quick thinking as well as adept in tactics. Many of the older Orcs who can no longer fight or hunt turn towards teaching and leading other Orcs. Unlike the Ra’Ha’Noohk, Orcs lead a much more peaceful life and tend to spend more of their time focusing on surviving due to the monopoly the Ra’Ha’Noohk have of most supplies on the Plains. Yet, the Orcs manage to scrape by the hunting of large prey that the Ra’Ha’Noohk lack the tactics to take down. The Orcs, like most beings of Narook worship a goddess by the same name who had created the crystals for the tribes of the Plains who died from the below zero temperatures the Plains reach in Winter. [/hider] [hider=Corellians] [img]http://pre03.deviantart.net/301a/th/pre/i/2013/032/8/0/four_eared_fantasy_race_by_ranserenader-d5r0fy8.png[/img] The Corellians are by far the most out of place race to grace the Plains of Narook being that they are the only race who live there that are vegetarians. Unlike the other tribes of Narook, the Corellians neither worship Narook nor live a migratory life. Many of the Corellian tribes have been set up around crystals who have formed lakes around them and stick to rivers. Due to the lack of trees on the Plains, the buildings of the Corellians are made from mud and are carved into the large rock formations around the crystals. When a traveller needs a place to stay, a Corellian town is the first one they should stop at before continuing. Just avoid mentioning the Ra’Ha’Noohk as they often show great disdain towards the Corellians and have often led skirmishes against their towns which ended with nearly everything destroyed or on fire. The Corellians worship a God called Benearia and he is believed to have blessed the waters of the Crystal lakes with the great ability to grow plants. As such, Corellian towns burn bundles of harvest each day and toss the ashes into the lakes. [/hider] [b]Monsters:[/b] [i]To Be Created[/i] [b]Gods:[/b] [hider=Narook, ‘Goddess of the Crystals’] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8c/18/36/8c18365c5d0bc57427f54ee2e9fa92ff.jpg[/img] Narook, Goddess of the Crystals, is a woman of striking beauty whose power is said to have created the crystals of the Plains which bear her name. Worshipped for her power to create the crystals which give off heat in periods of cold and absorb it in periods of warmth. Narook is said to have given her soul and body to create the many, large crystals which dot the Plains. Nobody truly knows how long the crystals have existed and not even the elders of the native tribes have stories which tell of the existence before Narook’s sacrifice. Stay tune for more to come on Narook, Goddess of the Crystals. For those who read this, yes, this will become an entire quest line for those traveling with Vent and Anne. [/hider]