[@DJAtomika]Hmm, okay, let's see get an idea board going. This is a judgment free zone. No such thing as a bad idea, we're just sticking whatever we can to the board. I'll start: -the cold open: the law office of Hurk, Kiddo, & Font are on the hunt for some real bad dude (drug dealer, gun dealer, person dealer, used car dealer, etc.), ventilate a bunch of his goons, and storm his office when--oh damn he's already dead via the Slayer: mystery! Or, oh damn he's missing: something to chase! Or, oh damn there's a bomb: boom! Or, oh damn there he is: bang, moving on. -the Tarantino talk: Zombie, Zombie, and Werewolf have a meal/smoke/drink/tender moment while talking about something innocuous. Gives times to show of their personality and relationships while still giving them plenty of free room to go off and do whatever the hell in the next post. Alternatively, it could end in a whole bunch of dudes being shot again, because guns are fun. -the type whatever until it sticks: my usual method of just writing short posts, getting frustrated, and scrapping everything until you wear yourself ragged and just go with what you got. Highly recommended if you need an excuse to listen to a bunch of albums for a few hours, less so if you're actually trying to be productive. -the take a break: go do something else. Read a book. Watch a show. Play a video game. Subconsciously steal from that shit later.