[quote=@Gowi] I was initially actually pretty worried I was giving him Stu-like attributes with his aptitude for intelligence and the convenience of inheriting his father’s company. I tried really hard making him three dimensional without writing superfluous amounts of backstory or liner notes. There’s a lot to Richard beyond being a pretentious upper class snob and jerk, which I hope folks have seen if they can read between the lines of his CS. Was Rich's perspective (see: quote) influential in that regard? [/quote] His assholishness counters his intelligence. It makes him seem more like a smart ass know-it-all rather than actually intellectual. XD However, if you're worried about Stu-ish qualities, I wouldn't be. Richard was born into a family of business moguls (like all the fuCKING CARRINGTONS AAAAAAAAAAH), it makes sense for him to have an aptitude in it and for him to pursue that field anyway. Also, spite for family tends to drive certain people with a perseverance that's pretty admirable, if I remember his history correctly. I think, on the surface he seems 2 dimensional, but that's the trick with a like of 'Jerk' characters or a trope... where they seem to have only one plane of personality, but in fact that assholish attitude is just a defense mechanism. (Ugh, I've watched too much Supernatural; knowing Dean Winchester inside and out helps build my skill for character analysis, though. What a douchebag) Or, you know, I could always be blowing steam up my ass. D;